By Shazad
“How long are you going to wait before you demand the best for yourself?”
I’ve lived over 50 years now and have a son that I enjoy spending time with. There are a few life lessons I have learned that I want to share with all those who are youth and young adults. Whatever your age, I hope that you will at least consider these points for your own life’s journey.
You have to be clear about what you want and then ask for it confidently and humbly. Be prepared to hear a lot of “NOs” but look for a few answers of “YES” also coming your way. Make the best of both of them!
No one is going to care as much about your health, spiritual condition, and success in life as you. Don’t hand over the steering wheel to anyone else. Drive your path and care for your whole being - mind, body, and soul as you travel through life.
Life is not always fair so don’t expect it to be. Just make sure you behave with the right intention and right conduct no matter what. That’s what matters in the long run.
Many of the “Old Ways” of eating, moving, and living are the best ways. Wake up early, go to bed when it’s dark, eat moderate amounts of food, move around every day, and be consistent in your habits. Don’t look for magic pills or too many hacks.
Comfort will kill your progress and success in life if you constantly seek it. Make plans to be uncomfortable and learn how to wrestle with this regularly so you don’t become fat, lazy, and dull.
Learn what “Enough” is for you and how to enjoy it. Don’t constantly look around at what your friends, neighbors, or random people on YouTube have. You don’t know how much they have or how they got it. Lots of fakers and pretenders out there as well as criminals that you don’t want to associate with.
Take time off and don’t work all the time. Make long weekends if you need a break but can’t take a week off. Go for walks in nature or a local park at least. Make sure you schedule fun times, vacations, and family dinners so you truly enjoy life.
When you are working on something, know the big WHY behind it. Why is this important and WHO does this matter to? This will give you motivation to get things done and keep you going when you have doubts about the process.
Make sure you laugh each day with family and friends. Share jokes, and funny pictures, and make silly sounds if that’s what it takes. Just make sure you enjoy some comedy.
Be the example you want your friends, family, and kids to follow. Live each day with sincerity, compassion, and the realization that you are a work in progress. Seek constant refinement and growth through self-awareness of what kind of person you are. Ask yourself what kind of person you want to be today and in the future.
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