By Shazad
“You will never change your life until you change something you do daily. The secret of your success is found in your daily routine.”
John C. Maxwell
You may have heard the phrase "Low Hanging Fruit," but did you know how important it is to create a successful life? This phrase reminds us that there are simple and easy things we can do to improve ourselves and move forward in life. So many times we think we have to do some nearly impossible or complicated things to get ahead in life in any meaningful way. That’s just not true! I will share three examples of low-hanging fruit that you can immediately use to make progress on your goals and feel better about your life.
“Every habit and capability is confirmed and grows in its corresponding actions, walking by walking, and running by running… therefore, if you want to do something, make a habit of it.”
First, if you want to improve your health but don't have the time or money for a gym membership, consider walking outside for 10 minutes after lunch and again after dinner. Take a comfortable stroll and enjoy the scenery. Daily walks have many health and mental benefits.
“Assemble your life… action by action. And be satisfied if each one achieves its goal… No one can keep that from happening…Action by action.”
Marcus Aurelius
Second, tidy up your room each day by putting away clothes you're not wearing, making your bed, and opening a window for fresh air. Cleaning up clutter and letting in fresh air can change the way you feel and think about a space. As a bonus, spend just 10 minutes each day tidying up any given room and see how it changes your life.
“Progress is not achieved by luck or accident, but by working on yourself daily.”
Third, express gratitude by saying "Thank You" to someone you care about. Let them know you appreciate them and what they've done for you. This will make them feel good and give you a boost of positivity. Practicing gratitude daily can improve your outlook on life and give you the confidence to pursue your dreams.
“Well-being is realized by small steps but is truly no small thing.”
There are many simple tasks and easy wins that I could have mentioned. If this post speaks to you, you might be thinking of some of your own right now. As humans, we love winning, so having some easy things to count as success each day motivates us to keep moving forward. Making sure you have accumulated a number of wins over days and weeks can make a big difference in how you view your progress. It will also add up like an investment portfolio if you keep contributing to it a little bit at a time. Don't forget about those big goals and difficult tasks you have to do. Just remember that they can often be broken down into smaller steps and easier tasks. Soon, you will be enjoying a nice fruit salad as you pursue the life of your dreams!
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