By Ahsan
“Good thoughts make a person happy and that person lives a happy life!”
Arthur Notknown
Every man, woman, and child has one common human quality: they THINK.
All day long.
That voice in our head constantly keeps us company and generates our thoughts from the time we wake up until the time we wake up the next day. Is this true for you?
How much time do you spend thinking? Good thoughts?
We all desire to live a happy life. But it is easier desired than done.
Some days go very well because everything is going our way.
But there are those other days, and you know what they are like. Nothing seems to be going your way; on top of it all, it affects how you feel!
How can we blame ourselves if we do not feel happy when things disappoint or upset us?
But what if you realized that regardless of what is happening around you or to you, you can feel happy or at least not unhappy?
What if you could press a button instead of letting your buttons be pressed so that you enjoy a light feeling all day long?
This button is your thoughts. If you were to think of an elevator with buttons going up or down, you should always press the up button of your thoughts.
We feel "up" when our thoughts are focused on the positive side of things. To the extent that we spend time in negative thoughts, our feelings go down, down, down.
If this is true, why would you, anyone else, or myself spend needless time feeling stress, tension, or upset when we know there is a universal mechanism at work?
This ubiquitous mechanism is that you generate thoughts, and this thinking produces feelings in you. It happens moment to moment for every human being on earth, which becomes your life experience, minute to minute, second to second.
This is THE Realization that needs to be realized: your thoughts produce your feelings!
What you think creates your personal bubble of reality.
The content of your thinking is the factory of your reality!
What you think, you feel!
Ta! Dah! This is your mental life in a nutshell! Your well-being resides in knowing this--What you think, you feel.
All that is waiting for you to come to this realization. The sooner you realize that if you spend more time uplifting your thoughts, thinking happy thoughts, and dwelling on the positive, you will not only live in well-being, but you will also enjoy life with a lighter, happier, and joyful feeling that will last day in and day out.
Here is an insight: your "not good" thinking obscures the brightness of life just like clouds block the sun's radiance.
Here are some ideas to keep you focused on spending your time thinking good thoughts:
1. Resolve that this should be your default setting. Only press the Up button on your thought elevator.
2. Check in with yourself several times a day (for example, five times) to be aware if you are feeling up. If you are not, that is a clear alarm bell that your thinking is down.
3. Practice the above so that it becomes your ingrained brain pattern. Our mind has great wisdom, but it needs to be trained.
4. The true keeners reading this article should also know what needs to be truly realized and understood is: That you think, not just what you think. Get it? It's one of those in-plain-sight but hidden things about life that is in plain sight! (May I suggest you ponder this point and reread it?) I would love to know if it makes sense as I am expressing it.
So spend time thinking only good thoughts and banish the unhelpful and unnecessary thoughts so you live an Awesome Life.
And remember that life is not a rehearsal; it is short and should be sweet.
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