By Shazad
“And of HIS Signs is that HE has created wives for you from among yourselves that you may find peace of mind in them, and HE has put love and tenderness between you. In that, surely, are Signs for a people who reflect.”
Holy Quran (30:22)
“HE it is Who created you from a single soul and made therefrom its mate, that he might find comfort in her. “
Holy Quran (7:190)
It's that time of the year again - February, the month of love, when people express their affection by exchanging gifts like flowers, chocolates, and other things. Love is a beautiful emotion that adds meaning to our lives and makes the world a better place. In this context, I would like to share some tips that can help improve relationships and enable us to fully embrace the gift of love for a long time.
The Happy Marriage Chapter is one of my favourites from the Awesome Life book. Ahsan and I talk about the divine purpose of marriage and relationships as well as how to manage the various situations that a romantic relationship challenges us with. It’s not an easy thing to find a Life Partner, marry them, and then stay married to them in a loving bond for decades. There’s many things that can be said on the topic and we certainly cover a lot in this chapter. I’m going to talk about 3 things you can focus on that will give you some WINS in the game of Love and keep you WINNING!
First, it’s all about love. Love yourself as a human being with great potential and responsibilities. Love your spouse for the same things and respect that they are a unique individual with their own identity and mindset. Love the fact that you are together now and find ways to keep giving love to each other over the long term, for as long as you both shall live.
Next, have faith in something bigger than you and pray together with your spouse. Make it a daily habit to give thanks to your Creator for your marriage and all the wonderful things it has produced. Ask God for help with things that are not working or simply not as good as you hoped they would be. Make sure there is always the love of God between the two of you, and your bond will be strengthened, God willing!
Thirdly, take care of yourself physically, mentally, and emotionally. Be your own person with hobbies and interests, and make sure being healthy is part of your daily routine. Individuals who care about their overall well-being are more likely to care about their spouse and the rest of the family too. When each spouse is fit, strong, and free from common lifestyle diseases, there are fewer stressors or obstacles in the relationship that need to be managed or resolved. Healthy people don’t argue, get sick, or grow apart as often as those with some kind of physical or emotional challenges, so keep an eye on yourself and your partner. There’s no downside to being an all-around healthy person with a great mindset and lots of energy for living. Who doesn’t want to be around that kind of person?
So now you know my three ways to be in a happy relationship and maintain that for the long run. There’s no "secret" or magic bullet approach, and other factors will be involved, but having some kind of blueprint for relationships along with a shared purpose is going to give couples a winning strategy to last the test of time while enjoying the journey. Like with any long and uncertain path, it’s the adventures along the way that make things worthwhile and not arriving at some ideal destination in our imagination. Wishing you lots of love, happiness, fulfillment, and exciting moments on your personal relationship voyage!
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