By Shazad
“In the history of ideas, it's repeatedly happened that an idea, developed in one area for one purpose, finds an unexpected application elsewhere. Concepts developed purely for philosophy of mathematics turned out to be just what you needed to build a computer. Statistical formulae for understanding genetic change in biology are now applied in both economics and in programming.”
Patrick Grim
In our world today, we see many examples of hybrid technology, such as hybrid cars and hybrid plants. But, do people need to become hybrids too? And, if so, what does that mean and how can we achieve it as a lifestyle?
The term 'hybrid' can be defined in various ways, but for this discussion, let's use the following definition:
"something made by combining two or more elements"
"a mixture of two or more things combined into one."
We've seen this idea before, and in Europe, it was called a Renaissance Man. This refers to a person with a wide range of knowledge and skills combined into one life. Examples include Leonardo Da Vinci from Europe and Al-Buruni from Asia. These great polymaths had an interest in a variety of subjects through practical experimentation, discussion, and writing. Their wisdom ranged from Math and Science to Psychology, and Philosophy. They remind us that it is possible to be curious about multiple things and make significant progress in driving humanity forward.
In today's world of high-tech devices, super intelligent software, and always-connected devices, you might think that being a computer scientist or engineer is enough. However, that is far from the truth. All our technological and scientific achievements are meant to benefit humanity, so we need to better understand people, human nature, big questions about philosophy and faith, along with many other areas that are not hard sciences.
Every single person will need some level of technical knowledge to operate tools like a smartphone or a tablet. We will need even more skills to navigate society regarding what it means to live a good life and how technology can enable or hinder us in that pursuit.
Combining a variety of studies and wisdom from diverse areas of knowledge is how human beings of any age can become truly hybrid. It's a more satisfying way to live by combining a variety of knowledge and life experiences and weaving them together into a complete life. The future is coming fast, and the most awesome people are those who adopt the hybrid lifestyle. Will you be one of them?
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