By Ahsan
“Miracles happen every day, change your perception of what a miracle is and you'll see them all around you.”
Jon Bon Jovi
I found myself on a beach last week. I have only been to a beach a few times in my life, and this time, I witnessed a miracle!
So here is the scene. The water in front of me was the Ocean. The wind blowing was visible and palpable to my skin, and my hair was blowing. The sun was out and beaming warm because the clouds were sparse. The sky was blue, and the palm trees were like blowing ornaments in the picture frame of nature.
The sand was warmed by the sun and dry, so it felt nice to stand on it and squish my toes into it.
Suddenly, I witnessed a miracle.
What was the miracle? It came to me as a realization that all these unrelated things—sky, sun, wind, trees, water, clouds, and sand—exist everywhere in the world, but in this place, and at that moment, they came together like a musical symphony.
It was a miracle to experience a beautiful feeling while being on the beach!
The beach!
I knew I was in the midst of a miracle because I felt pure appreciation, calm, and happiness mixed together. How amazing is this? I think it is nothing short of a miracle.
However, Who put these separate things, elements, or pieces together on this earth is beyond me, but on that day, I witnessed a miracle.
And I am guessing you might also appreciate where I'm coming from.
Not all of us live in nature or close to it. My usual surroundings are urban and city-oriented. Now, I am sure that the miracle-making that I experienced is all around us if we care to notice, most pronouncedly in natural settings.
This experience was meant to be noticed by me in the way I did.
I hope it makes sense to you, as I have never written about such an experience before. My wish is that everyone who might read this short message experiences a similar miracle the next time they are at the beach, hiking in the forest, or trekking in the mountains.
What miracles await for us to see before the show is over? Remember, life is not a rehearsal. Get out there and witness more miracles. Better yet, try to create some too for other people to witness!
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