Why Can't i Be You?

By Ahsan

Have you ever wished that you could be someone else? When you look at your life, your career, your physical traits or mental abilities or just plain old circumstances, have you not thought this way?

This has got to be one of the most common thoughts that strikes us from time to time.

But Why Do We Have These Thoughts?

We know that this is probably not a good thing to do but yet we do it. We do it for one primary reason, we all yearn to be happy. Sometimes we look at our situation in comparison to someone else and think we would be so much happier if we were in their shoes. To be happy is one of our strongest desires in life. And as you know, the grass is not always greener on the other side. If we want to be happy, we need to find a way to be happy given the situation we have now, even if it seems tough to do so.

Let us remind ourselves that our thoughts influence our feelings. If you want to feel happy, then think happy thoughts. We should not do the opposite, which is to think thoughts that bring you feelings of misery. In summary, you can choose to be happy and joyful or miserable and blue.

So how do you do sow and cultivate personal happiness?

1. Stop comparing yourself to others. If someone seems to have a better life than you, wish them well and silence the voice of envy. Now you are being kind to yourself.

2. If at all possible, and it should be…why not think about what you wish you had and work out a plan to achieve it! Now you are being proactive.

3. Spend some time every day where you take a time out for yourself and think about three things that you are grateful for. Be the most grateful person you know. Now you are becoming more self-aware.

Whatever your scenario happens to be, focus on what is good in your life and by doing so, harvest the crop of happiness and do away with the weeds of misery.

Be the Awesome Change you want to see in the world

By Shazad

I see many issues in the world and I wish things were different. Noticing the problems and wishing things were better is not going to work.  So what does?

First, not adding to the problems by doing my part to make things better.  If I want more justice and peace in the world, I need to live my own life in a way that promotes these values. I   can’t want one thing but live a different way.

Second, I need to take care of my own health so I’m not a burden to the healthcare system.  This means mind, body and soul needs regular maintenance and improvement.  Better habits performed daily will achieve the results.

Third, I can encourage everyone around me to live their best lives by doing their part.  Small changes to behaviour, lifestyle and mindset will help everyone to live better by adding up all the positive changes.

There you have it. Be consistent with what kind of world you want to live in and don’t be a hypocrite. You’ll know when you are living according to your beliefs when you see the world getting a little more awesome each day. Make it happen!

The ONE virtue that will multiply your prosperity

By Ahsan

There are many virtues and characteristics that come to mind. One should be truthful, or dependable, or courageous, or likeable. Honestly, the virtue that I am thinking about is none of these. If I am being honest, I should reveal this one virtue quickly because it is so powerful that it continually ripples in a vast ocean of prosperity that is boundless.

This virtue is honesty. If you are honest, the whole world will love you. On the other hand, if you are crooked, no one will want to have anything to do with you. You are done. Finished.

The world is in search of an honest person who fulfills her obligations to her fellow human beings.

In fact, prosperity for an honest person is assured if not guaranteed. People are drawn to truthful people who are honest. People lean on dependable people who are honest. People seek refuge with people who are courageous and are honest. And, people love people who are honest.

Your personal reputation is the sum total of all your actions and how you conduct those actions with honesty. Keep striving in this way. Add the resolute element of honesty in all the other virtues that you display. The world will open its arms to you and open many doors for you. The more honest you are the more prosperous you will be.

Slow Down and Go Fast

By Shazad

"Fasting is the first principle of medicine; fast and see the strength of the spirit reveal itself. " + Rumi

The holy month of Ramadhan has started and practicing Muslims everywhere have been fasting for a few days now.  This blessed month and this ancient practice reminds us to focus on what is important, what really matters and what sacrifice feels like.  

In a typical day, we are usually going so fast and trying to get so much done that we forget to pay attention to living.  By observing fasting during Ramadhan and periodically throughout the year, we can stop and reflect at different times of the day.  We get a chance to withdraw from all unnecessary things to focus on the essentials.  Every time I experience Ramadhan, I feel stronger and more self aware. I often feel that I can do anything I put my focus on because I've seen how capable I am after giving up food and drink for many hours each day.  

There are physical and spiritual benefits to Fasting as you can imagine. There are also mental benefits to withdrawing from the constant buzz and chatter of the world.  It let's me listen to my inner voice and it can do the same for you without having to become a hermit or shunning modern technology.

3 Exercises to Consider:

1. Make a list of your daily activities during weekdays and weekends so you know how you currently spend your time.

2. How many things on your list are things you must do vs. what others tell you should be doing? Spend at least one week just focussed on doing the things that you must do and give up everything else.  What things are just entertainment or time waisting things that you don't really enjoy?

3. Rate how your experience on how you feel after doing just the necessary things and refine your daily tasks so that is how you spend your days from now on.

Spring - The Real Beginning of the Year

by Shazad

"The day the Lord created hope was probably the same day he created Spring." + Bernard Williams

I love Spring and I know the calendar says January 1 is the official start of the year but for me, Spring time is the beginning.  Everywhere you look, things are coming to life again after the long hard winter. There is an incredible feeling in the air that reminds me of a new beginning and new possibilities.

The flowers, trees and grass all become fuller and come to life again.  Every week brings more growth and lushness to the landscape. This can be a metaphor for our lives.  Small but consistent growth every day is how we can grow and thrive as well, regardless of what our 'winter state' was.  Why not use this time as inspiration and re-commit to your goals?  Let the beauty of this season inspire you to also grow to a fuller and better version of yourself.

3 Exercises to guide you:

1. Review what you pledged to do or become on January 1 and evaluate your progress so far. 

2. Measure your progress towards your goals each day to make sure you are headed in the right direction. Change direction if you are not.

3. Never lose hope for personal growth at any time of the year. There is no neutral position in life - we are always capable of growth so keep growing!

The 4 Remedies For Awesome Living

By Shazad 

We live in a world fully of doctors, diseases and giant pharmaceuticals companies.  Sometimes it is hard to know how to take care of yourself as you age.  Sometimes it’s just to complicated to be healthy or live an optimal life with excitement and energy.  

Try these 4 remedies the next time you feel down and see how powerful they can be in terms of making you feel good.  First,  get some direct sunlight early in the morning. Let it shine on your hands and face and enjoy its warmth.  Repeat around midday for extra Vitamin D boost. Second,  drink some water before you have breakfast.  Revive yourself with every sip as you hydrate.  Third, practice some deep breathing in and out.  Try 5 deep breaths in and and out in a large room or outdoors or in whatever space you are in.  Feel yourself becoming energized with each deep breath. Do this deep breathing exercise at night just before bed as well. Fourth,  go for a brisk walk outside and really notice your surroundings.  See the plants and animals and greet people as you walk. Connect with your whole body  so that feel your legs and core muscles as you take each step.  Notice how your hands, chest and neck move in harmony with your lower body.  Walk for longer and longer distances by doing a little longer walk each day.  You can easily work up to 3km distance each day without feeling any tiredness.

Try these 4 remedies each day and you may feel the best you ever have in a long time!  Give it a try!  You just may eliminate the need for any medication while you boost your health one breath at a time.

Why Do We Work?

By Shazad

Why do we go to a job or run a business?  Many people will say it's because we need to pay the bills, use our skills or keep busy.  Let's take a deeper look and find more meaning in the question as well as our personal answers.

No doubt, we all need to earn some income to pay for food, shelter, clothing and other things we want and need.  But this can't fully explain why we work 5 or more days each week, often by leaving the comfort of home and enduring some inconvenience during travel to and from the location of our work.  What would you rather be doing if you didn't have to go to work? Would you still be fulfilled in life if you could just stay home and not have to worry about paying for basic things like the necessities of life?

If you don't have the option to stay at home, how can you find more meaning in the activity of going to work?  Have you tried seeing all the other people you work with as a team you work with to accomplish some common goals?  Consider how your work relationships have impacted your life and your growth as a person.  The friendships and business relationships that can last after you leave a job or business to go to another job or business.

Here are some steps to figure out what work means to you:

1. If you didn't have to go to work at a job or your business, what would you rather be doing?

2. What does your ideal day of work look like and have you ever tried to achieve this by intentional actions?

3. What are the benefits of your work life that you can list based on your experience? 

How Easy Is It To Be Successful?

By Ahsan

I recently had a conversation with a good friend of mine. We have helped each other out over the years with words of encouragement and positive ideas. I asked him how his business was going? He told me confidently, that things were really shaping up and looking up.

I wanted to pass on to him my own encouragement and told him that he should be proud of himself for getting back up on the horse and starting over again. You see, my friend had a previous business that folded. What I wanted to point out was that he should celebrate his courage and tenacity because the majority of people often stay down when they are knocked down. In fact, a lot of people minimize the importance of their achievements and dwell heavily on their shortcomings.

My friend took my words and made his own interpretation of my comment and started to explain his mindset. I am glad he did.  

He told me that he kept saying to himself “Do or don’t, there is no in between”. He said he had to pick himself up again and go out and meet people, ask for business and keep his payroll going.  Every day, he kept reminding himself “Do or don’t, there is no in between”. This simple motto gave him the stamina he needed to take action and keep up his momentum with urgency.

Another thing he said was that it is easy to build a successful business and it is easy to make lots of money in your business. The reason why is because we live in a time where opportunities, resources and ideas are plentiful. He said that he has never been more convinced of his capabilities and sense of purpose. Our conversation wrapped up on that note.

What do you think? Does my friends’ motto resonate with you?

Here is my take: success is yours for the taking if you do three things.

  1. Have a clear vision of what you want your life to look like.

  2. Determine what you need to do to make it happen.

  3. Take action. Take a punch to the gut now and then. And keep on taking action with momentum and urgency.

Friends, it will always be so. You do your part or you don’t…there is no in between.

When You Change This, You Change Your Life!

By Ahsan

Many people talk about the famous Roger Bannister who in 1954 ran one mile in under four minutes. Conventional opinion was that it was humanly impossible to do so and would cause a heart to perhaps explode! Mr. Bannister must have believed he could do it and must have cast aside any previous limiting beliefs he may have held. He accomplished what his belief was aligned with.

Similarly, your deepest held beliefs shape the direction of your life. Some of your beliefs like those about your capabilities and your self-concept can be based on limiting beliefs and even false beliefs.

Awareness is the ally that is needed for change to happen. Study yourself and prepare the path of living a life of greater possibility. Find out who you are. Having self-awareness is a prerequisite skill so that you can identify things you can improve in yourself.

False beliefs can shape your habits and your reality. Out of habit, you do or don’t do things based on your beliefs. After examining them through the lens of self-awareness and where you picked up these beliefs (parents, school, media, friends) you can begin the process of discarding them. You could be unduly influenced by deeply ingrained beliefs that someone else etched in your mind.

Not all of your beliefs are wrong of course, keep that in mind too. Just keep that mind of yours open to the possibility that some of your beliefs could be holding you back. Be self-aware enough to re-examine those particular beliefs.

Examine your beliefs: are they true and where did they come from? Who implanted them in your mind? How do your beliefs control you? How do your beliefs impact the results you produce in your day to day affairs?

Who do you want to be and are you that person? If there is a disconnect, it might be because your beliefs are limiting and false.

How Do You Change Your Beliefs and Mindset?

Now that you are thoroughly convinced that your beliefs and mindset are to be credited with the results you see in life; how do you change them? That’s simple.  You reprogram yourself. You need to delete the old program and install the new program that aligns with the results you seek. Installing new beliefs takes time and effort and will require that you also develop new routines, habits, systems, and affirmations. The good news is that you can change your mindset.

Your beliefs (mindset) needs to be standing on a firm and correct foundation. This mindset is a precursor of success. Your mindset (beliefs) will determine your results in life; both personal and professional. Your happiness and your progress are all wrapped up in this concept of empowering beliefs and mindset. Your self-esteem is born out of it and so is your self-image.

The stronger your self-esteem and self-image becomes, the more awesome your life will be.

How important is your mindset?

It has been said, “First you form your beliefs and then your beliefs form you!”

Please reread this statement and think about that for two minutes.

Are you back?

Your mindset is your most valuable asset; more valuable than your real estate holdings, your investment portfolio and your stores of gold.

Let’s get a move on it. Life is passing you by. In order to take yourself to the next level of your awesome life, you might like to focus on what you want and identify your obstacles. Take personal responsibility for the results you are getting.


Change your mindset. And take action. And then take some more action.

Limiting beliefs or broken mindset will keep you from taking action. You literally have to give a speech to become a public speaker, you literally have to ask for the sale to create business, you actually have to avoid junk food to create a slimmer body.

Reprogram your mindset and take action, so that you are firmly on the path of personal growth.

Life brings all of us a knock down and if anyone says otherwise, they are not being truthful. However, get back up and move your mind and beliefs towards what you want, you must not stay stuck in the wrong mindset. It will shackle you at the legs, arms and neck. Yikes!

Adopt a strategy; take action; give yourself praise, take some more action; commit to the process and the next step will reveal itself.

Why Do Some People Fail at Success?

By Ahsan

One of the amazing things about being you is that you do not have to do anything you don’t want to do.

Read that opening sentence again.

It’s true, isn’t it?

No one can make you do anything!

In other words, you are the captain of your own ship and if you don’t want to leave the harbour, you can stay anchored.

How does this control of your actions relate to failing at success? Quite simply, it is all a matter of your MINDSET. If your mindset is one of determination to not do something, you end up not doing it.

The good news, is that when your mindset is positive and geared to doing something you want to do, you start getting results. If success is about getting results and moving forward on your goal, then having the right mindset is not only key, it’s the five-tonne propeller that your ship uses to leave the harbour.

When you embark on achieving your goals and are looking for success you might like to start with your mindset first.

Here are five tips that will make a huge difference to the quality of your mindset:

  1. Assess the major reason you want to be successful?

  2. Think of a time that you achieved a goal (however small) and recall that feeling of achievement.

  3. Spend time after waking up to think about achieving your goal and spend time just before nodding off to sleep to do more of the same. (this is actually self-hypnosis). You may also add in a prayer.

  4. Be kind to yourself and view any set back as feedback and not failure.

  5. Be willing to do the work. Be determined and committed. Fast results take time.

Dear friend, nothing worth having will be given to you. You will likely have to work for it. And if you maintain an unshakeable and focused mindset, you will succeed where others fail.

Success is largely a by-product of having a positive mindset!

Healthy Attitudes for 2018

By Shazad

I was listening to an inspiring podcast one morning and wanted to share 3 key points I think we should all consider when resolving to live a healthier life this year.

1. Meet your body where it is instead of wishing it was some other way.  Exercise in a way that helps improve your health starting where you are today.  Move forward every day because small changes done consistently will result in big changes.

2. Eat right and exercise because you LOVE yourself instead of hating your body.  Do the right things out of Love and respect for your health because you want better quality of life. You have uniqueness and different fitness goals than other people so focus on what YOU need for next 10-50 years. You will get better and faster results that work for you even if they are not what someone else wants for themselves.

3. Honestly connect with your own healthy and unhealthy habits.  Make stronger connections to the good things out of Love. If you have to hate something,  make it those unhealthy habits keeping you stuck.  You can break free from them if you associate enough pain with those nasty habits and high octane positive feelings with the good habits. The “secret” to better and lasting health is more healthy habits performed every single day with sincere passion for becoming a better you!

Get Strong and Live Awesome!

Why getting stung by a bee can be good for you

By Ahsan

Dear friend,

We all have things that we can be fearful of. For some, it’s the fear of being judged. For others, it’s the fear of going to a new place. For others, its fear of germs.

These fears (read anxieties) start to limit our lives. The person who fears getting stung by a bee rarely goes outdoors in the spring or summer time.

Their life is not one of being fully alive. They live in a state of fear and even dread.

That which you fear however, may really not be that bad.

Let’s say you fear being judged and therefore you avoid job promotions that involve managing others and having to speak in front of others. All you have done is stayed in your comfort zone and put a lid on your income. You feel safe and due to your thinking, you reinforce your fear.

The same would stand for the person who never accepts invitations to go to meet friends across town because going out to new places makes them feel anxious. By acting this way, they too reinforce their fear.

The hyper-sensitive germ avoider closes themselves off to many things simply because they could get sick if they touch something. They only feel better when they wash their hands frequently from the time they wake up to the time they go to sleep. All this hand washing is reinforcement of the anxiety and makes the “monster” bigger.

In order to get over your fear, you need to face it. Therapists call this exposure therapy and there are two versions: flooding and step by step.

Flooding might look like this:

Let’s say you were scared of getting stung by a bee and you wanted to get over this fear. You might go over to a honey farm and walk through a buzzing swarm of bees to really see if you could do what you fear.

Step by step might look like this: The less dramatic version and likely more acceptable version would be to go out in your garden or for a walk and notice that you might see a bee and not get stung. Each time you go for a walk your level of confidence should increase as you see that it is not likely that you get stung.

However, let’s say that one day you get stung by a bee, just like I did, on the tip of my nose, you might realize it was not as bad as you think.

My story goes like this, my childhood friend had a rolled-up carpet in his balcony that became the home of a bee hive. Going into the balcony became treacherous for my friends’ mother. It was up to my friend and I to rid the balcony of the unwanted guests. Long story short, I got stung.  It hurt. I cried. I survived.

I always feared bees but after being stung I realized it wasn’t so bad. The sting was not as bad as the fear of getting stung!

Likewise, if you gave a speech, or go to meet friends in a new corner of the world or touch a few door knobs, you too might realize that what you fear is not that big a deal.  All you need to do is:

Face your fears.

Do what you fear.

See how you feel.

Repeat the actions of exposure whenever you can.

See how you feel after the multiple exposures.

And be free!

Make Resolutions and Achieve Them

By Shazad

It's that time again.  We resolve to make changes to our lives to improve our health, wealth and happiness because a new year has started and that's what everyone else is doing.  Sadly, many will make resolutions they will end up breaking by the end of the month or a few weeks later but it doesn't have to be that way.

What is the reason that some people make resolutions and transform their lives while most cannot?  It has to do with the reason why the successful people make resolutions. They do so because they have strong why and a clear outcome in mind.  They resolve to achieve specific outcomes by the end of each year and are highly motivated to take actions that help them achieve those outcomes.  This strong why transforms a typical New Year's resolution into a must have outcome.  This makes all the difference in the world and can help you to keep your resolutions.

What is your WHY for the health, educational or personal changes you want to make this year?
Make them something you are strongly connected with and not just nice-to-have outcomes.  Don't copy what someone else is doing.  Make your own personal transformation pledges and see yourself achieving by December this year.  Figure out what you need to do each week and each day that helps you get to that clear goal you have just committed to.

Happy New Year everyone!

Earth, Ocean and Sky

By Shazad

When we are young, we are limited to experiencing things in a very physical sense and are like every creature who is limited to travelling on land.  As we grow older, we discover the beauty and wonder of being in water which opens up a new world of possibilities for us.  This is like a person who realizes something about their mind and thought processes.  You begin to realize you have this other dimension and you want to explore it in more just like you want to continue discovering more about your physical world.

Humans can be very thoughtful creatures and have great imagination to see incredible possibilities for the future.  We can also choose to temper our physical existence by being more mindful of our place in the world and how giving more meaning to our lives.  Life can be truly great by combining our physical and mental worlds but it’s not the best it can be until we also look to the air and sky above us.  The third most important state of being is our belief system or spirituality and it’s the domain of all those who can fly and go beyond the earth and the ocean. The spiritual part of us can take us to that awesome existence when we combine inspirational beliefs and higher level thinking to our physical and mental states.

Ask yourself how spiritual you are and if life can be any better for you than it is today.  How much higher could you soar if you had more inspiration and a higher purpose in life every single day?  Would you like to go beyond running on land and swimming the oceans of life so that you begin to soar in life?  That would be Awesome!

Refocus on your focus

By Ahsan

The time will surely come when you assess your achievements. In other words, how will you measure the achievements of your life? We started out with dreams as children when we thought about our future, now that the future is here…. are we keeping track of the dreams and their fulfilment? Your life and the life of every person near and dear to you is an expression of the rhythm of all creation---growth. Growing is perhaps what we were meant to be.

Think of how precious being able to grow is to you. Imagine if someone said to you: I limit your dreams and you must not walk farther towards your dreams than this chain I shackle to your ankle. Would you like that? Of course not. Hopefully, no one is limiting you and you are free to dream and act on your dreams.

If you have lost focus on some of your grand goals, this is the right time to refocus your focus on them. We all are on the journey of life together. None of us is perfect. So, if you have a few goals that you have not quite worked on to their fullest achievement, you can and should go after them. Why? Because you will feel great when your work on them and when you check them off as done. If you achieve these goals, keep growing by setting some new goals.

How will you know if you should restart the pursuit of a grand goal that was left unfinished? Simply by how much it either excites you when you think of it or how much regret you start to feel when you think of it. Let your mind think right now, this very moment on refocusing on your unfinished or slightly neglected goals.

Be a finisher and answer triumphantly the question of, "What important goals have I achieved in my life so far?

Say Cheese! Click. Click.

Memento Mori...Remember you must die

By Ahsan

This life is a wonderful gift.

The point of this article is to ask yourself if you are truly living or just existing?

Life is happening and it can be viewed as something you are enduring until the end comes or something that you are valuing because you never know when the end might come.

The first attitude about life is dimming and depressing and the second one gives life a sense of enjoyment, fulfillment and urgency to get what you truly want from life as you define it.

The term memento mori comes from Latin and was an admonition to the returning Generals of Rome. It was meant to remind them to not bask in the glory of victory but rather value the life that they have and truly live it.

In medieval Europe, educated men kept a skull on their desk to remind them that death is near.

Far from being a morbid reminder of your end, this “motto” MOMENTO MORI should be viewed as a liberating concept that will focus your mind on your goals, their achievement and then setting new goals to achieve.

As you travel the journey of your life, please keep in mind that your life is a gift with a time limit that is not known. Think about that for a moment.

Lessons From 9 Winters

By Shazad

I learned about snow for the first time at age 5 when I started kindergarten in the suburbs of Toronto.  I had to cross a high-school football field and then a soccer field twice a day to attend school until I started high school.

It was the 1970’s and the winter months were the worst in terms of bitter cold North winds against my face, knee-high snow and slushy puddles every day.  I felt tired, sick and miserable every time winter came. As I grew a little older I become stronger, more resilient and appreciative of the daily struggle to come and go to school.  I adapted to the cold and found simple solutions to  keeping my feet warmer and dry.  I learned that I was could enjoy winter and endure the hardship.  


Doing tough things in childhood made me understand what it is like to suffer and keep going.  Doing difficult things from time to time is good for everyone.  Now that I’m older I can appreciate these lessons.

Here’s how you can also become more resilient:

  1. Do hard or challenging things every week.  Get comfortable with being uncomfortable on a regular basis.
  2. Think about what is growth opportunity when you are going through a tough moment in life and do your best.
  3. Prepare yourself for hardship by conditioning your mind, body and spirit to tolerate whatever may come your way.  You will still be surprised from time to time but you can minimize the stress you would feel by not anticipating some issues in life.

Organize Your Mind For A More Awesome Life

By Ahsan

Organize Your Mind For A More Awesome Life

Today is a great day to feel good and make true advancement towards your goals. It is so easy to do when you have made up your mind to do it and simply act on your plan. 

“Easy you say….sure.” [read with skeptical internal chatter]

It is easier said than done because our minds have a mind of their own sometimes. Meaning that we have great intentions to tackle the day but let our mind, that is anxious or tired or ruminating, to derail us from what we want.

Life should be easier and happier; however, when our mind is not working for us, life seems to get postponed at best and hellish at worst.

What should we do to turn the tide in our favour? 

Know one simple fact: your mind should be in your control. 

You may not be able to control others in your life or the circumstances of your life but you should be able to control your mind.

You are stronger than you think and braver than you believe!

Organize your mind so that your life moves in the direction of your goals. 

Here is the formula: 

Ask yourself what do you want out of life?
Decide to pay whatever price is required.
Focus your mind on the steps and efforts that must be implemented.
Sit for five minutes at the beginning of your day in solitude and quiet so that you visualize the achievement of your desires.
Do this in the last five minutes of your day as you drift off to sleep so that your mind organizes itself throughout the night.

The mind that is unorganized is sometimes referred to as the “monkey mind”. Without training and discipline, the mind can work against you. 

However, once you make a daily practice of quieting down the “chatter” and “swinging” and focus on being focussed, you can increase your enjoyment of life and all that it has to offer.

Organize your mind towards your primary goals of life so that you have increased energy, health, achievement, calmness and personal awesomeness!

You Are Not Your Past

By Ahsan

The greatest thing about you is that you can recreate yourself. Notice that I did not say circumstances, rather yourself. Simply put, if you look at who you are today, a lot was influenced by your past experiences and circumstances. Take the example of a child born in a neighborhood where there is poverty, drugs and crime. Should that person grow up to be involved in a criminal lifestyle would be understood but does that mean such a person is bound to only ever be a criminal?

Could that person not change? Could that person not become someone different? What if the person made a transformation?

What would it take to make a change?

A decision.

Finding a role model.


Hard work.

In other words, your past is not your destiny. Your destiny is what you make it. Have a bit of positive expectation that you can make a desired change in yourself. Fill your heart with courage. Know that others have made amazing transformations in themselves and so can you!

You just need to be convinced that you can recreate yourself. In fact, doing so will add excitement to living your life. Make the most of living an awesome life if you dare.


Going Beyond The Present

By Shazad

Each generation of humanity has an advantage over the past generation because of technology and economic growth.  It's been this way for most of past 100 years and will likely continue to be true in the future.  As people, we must not measure ourselves against our parents generation because we start with an advantage at birth.  What we should continuously do is measure our current self against our own past.  Take stock every 5-10 years to see if you are really moving forward to the next level.  If you are, that's great news and it makes life so much better. If not, we need to find out where we are lacking and make adjustments to move forward. 

Every month, measure your progress and make the required changes. Move towards a more Awesome Life.  Level up and Go Beyond!