By Shazad
I see many issues in the world and I wish things were different. Noticing the problems and wishing things were better is not going to work. So what does?
First, not adding to the problems by doing my part to make things better. If I want more justice and peace in the world, I need to live my own life in a way that promotes these values. I can’t want one thing but live a different way.
Second, I need to take care of my own health so I’m not a burden to the healthcare system. This means mind, body and soul needs regular maintenance and improvement. Better habits performed daily will achieve the results.
Third, I can encourage everyone around me to live their best lives by doing their part. Small changes to behaviour, lifestyle and mindset will help everyone to live better by adding up all the positive changes.
There you have it. Be consistent with what kind of world you want to live in and don’t be a hypocrite. You’ll know when you are living according to your beliefs when you see the world getting a little more awesome each day. Make it happen!