When You Change This, You Change Your Life!

By Ahsan

Many people talk about the famous Roger Bannister who in 1954 ran one mile in under four minutes. Conventional opinion was that it was humanly impossible to do so and would cause a heart to perhaps explode! Mr. Bannister must have believed he could do it and must have cast aside any previous limiting beliefs he may have held. He accomplished what his belief was aligned with.

Similarly, your deepest held beliefs shape the direction of your life. Some of your beliefs like those about your capabilities and your self-concept can be based on limiting beliefs and even false beliefs.

Awareness is the ally that is needed for change to happen. Study yourself and prepare the path of living a life of greater possibility. Find out who you are. Having self-awareness is a prerequisite skill so that you can identify things you can improve in yourself.

False beliefs can shape your habits and your reality. Out of habit, you do or don’t do things based on your beliefs. After examining them through the lens of self-awareness and where you picked up these beliefs (parents, school, media, friends) you can begin the process of discarding them. You could be unduly influenced by deeply ingrained beliefs that someone else etched in your mind.

Not all of your beliefs are wrong of course, keep that in mind too. Just keep that mind of yours open to the possibility that some of your beliefs could be holding you back. Be self-aware enough to re-examine those particular beliefs.

Examine your beliefs: are they true and where did they come from? Who implanted them in your mind? How do your beliefs control you? How do your beliefs impact the results you produce in your day to day affairs?

Who do you want to be and are you that person? If there is a disconnect, it might be because your beliefs are limiting and false.

How Do You Change Your Beliefs and Mindset?

Now that you are thoroughly convinced that your beliefs and mindset are to be credited with the results you see in life; how do you change them? That’s simple.  You reprogram yourself. You need to delete the old program and install the new program that aligns with the results you seek. Installing new beliefs takes time and effort and will require that you also develop new routines, habits, systems, and affirmations. The good news is that you can change your mindset.

Your beliefs (mindset) needs to be standing on a firm and correct foundation. This mindset is a precursor of success. Your mindset (beliefs) will determine your results in life; both personal and professional. Your happiness and your progress are all wrapped up in this concept of empowering beliefs and mindset. Your self-esteem is born out of it and so is your self-image.

The stronger your self-esteem and self-image becomes, the more awesome your life will be.

How important is your mindset?

It has been said, “First you form your beliefs and then your beliefs form you!”

Please reread this statement and think about that for two minutes.

Are you back?

Your mindset is your most valuable asset; more valuable than your real estate holdings, your investment portfolio and your stores of gold.

Let’s get a move on it. Life is passing you by. In order to take yourself to the next level of your awesome life, you might like to focus on what you want and identify your obstacles. Take personal responsibility for the results you are getting.


Change your mindset. And take action. And then take some more action.

Limiting beliefs or broken mindset will keep you from taking action. You literally have to give a speech to become a public speaker, you literally have to ask for the sale to create business, you actually have to avoid junk food to create a slimmer body.

Reprogram your mindset and take action, so that you are firmly on the path of personal growth.

Life brings all of us a knock down and if anyone says otherwise, they are not being truthful. However, get back up and move your mind and beliefs towards what you want, you must not stay stuck in the wrong mindset. It will shackle you at the legs, arms and neck. Yikes!

Adopt a strategy; take action; give yourself praise, take some more action; commit to the process and the next step will reveal itself.