The ONE virtue that will multiply your prosperity

By Ahsan

There are many virtues and characteristics that come to mind. One should be truthful, or dependable, or courageous, or likeable. Honestly, the virtue that I am thinking about is none of these. If I am being honest, I should reveal this one virtue quickly because it is so powerful that it continually ripples in a vast ocean of prosperity that is boundless.

This virtue is honesty. If you are honest, the whole world will love you. On the other hand, if you are crooked, no one will want to have anything to do with you. You are done. Finished.

The world is in search of an honest person who fulfills her obligations to her fellow human beings.

In fact, prosperity for an honest person is assured if not guaranteed. People are drawn to truthful people who are honest. People lean on dependable people who are honest. People seek refuge with people who are courageous and are honest. And, people love people who are honest.

Your personal reputation is the sum total of all your actions and how you conduct those actions with honesty. Keep striving in this way. Add the resolute element of honesty in all the other virtues that you display. The world will open its arms to you and open many doors for you. The more honest you are the more prosperous you will be.