By Ahsan
Organize Your Mind For A More Awesome Life
Today is a great day to feel good and make true advancement towards your goals. It is so easy to do when you have made up your mind to do it and simply act on your plan.
“Easy you say….sure.” [read with skeptical internal chatter]
It is easier said than done because our minds have a mind of their own sometimes. Meaning that we have great intentions to tackle the day but let our mind, that is anxious or tired or ruminating, to derail us from what we want.
Life should be easier and happier; however, when our mind is not working for us, life seems to get postponed at best and hellish at worst.
What should we do to turn the tide in our favour?
Know one simple fact: your mind should be in your control.
You may not be able to control others in your life or the circumstances of your life but you should be able to control your mind.
You are stronger than you think and braver than you believe!
Organize your mind so that your life moves in the direction of your goals.
Here is the formula:
Ask yourself what do you want out of life?
Decide to pay whatever price is required.
Focus your mind on the steps and efforts that must be implemented.
Sit for five minutes at the beginning of your day in solitude and quiet so that you visualize the achievement of your desires.
Do this in the last five minutes of your day as you drift off to sleep so that your mind organizes itself throughout the night.
The mind that is unorganized is sometimes referred to as the “monkey mind”. Without training and discipline, the mind can work against you.
However, once you make a daily practice of quieting down the “chatter” and “swinging” and focus on being focussed, you can increase your enjoyment of life and all that it has to offer.
Organize your mind towards your primary goals of life so that you have increased energy, health, achievement, calmness and personal awesomeness!