The 4 Remedies For Awesome Living

By Shazad 

We live in a world fully of doctors, diseases and giant pharmaceuticals companies.  Sometimes it is hard to know how to take care of yourself as you age.  Sometimes it’s just to complicated to be healthy or live an optimal life with excitement and energy.  

Try these 4 remedies the next time you feel down and see how powerful they can be in terms of making you feel good.  First,  get some direct sunlight early in the morning. Let it shine on your hands and face and enjoy its warmth.  Repeat around midday for extra Vitamin D boost. Second,  drink some water before you have breakfast.  Revive yourself with every sip as you hydrate.  Third, practice some deep breathing in and out.  Try 5 deep breaths in and and out in a large room or outdoors or in whatever space you are in.  Feel yourself becoming energized with each deep breath. Do this deep breathing exercise at night just before bed as well. Fourth,  go for a brisk walk outside and really notice your surroundings.  See the plants and animals and greet people as you walk. Connect with your whole body  so that feel your legs and core muscles as you take each step.  Notice how your hands, chest and neck move in harmony with your lower body.  Walk for longer and longer distances by doing a little longer walk each day.  You can easily work up to 3km distance each day without feeling any tiredness.

Try these 4 remedies each day and you may feel the best you ever have in a long time!  Give it a try!  You just may eliminate the need for any medication while you boost your health one breath at a time.