By Shazad
For over a year now we have been hearing about the importance of vaccinations for everyone, second doses, third doses, and yearly boosters, etc. This is a good discussion and relevant to the time we live in given the global pandemic. The challenge is that we are narrowly focused on the physical body and its immunity against a fast-spreading disease. We forget that the mind needs protection too. How can we protect our mental well-being at such times and in general?
What do I mean by vaccinating your mind? I’m talking about setting up proper mental defenses to innoculate against all kinds of thought diseases like misinformation, fear, jealousy, and anger to name just a few. We do this by ‘injecting’ daily doses of empathy, critical thinking, and truth just to maintain sanity and a proper functioning life. The ‘remedy’ is not going to come from Big Pharma or the Mass Media. It’s also not going to suddenly reveal itself in the clouds or be passed into law as a new Bill or Constitutional Amendment by the government. It’s going to require work that we do each day to check the facts, understand the opposing viewpoints, and find the middle ground on hotly contested issues. Sometimes there won’t be an absolute Right or Wrong answer so we shouldn’t push for such a decision.
We also need to develop healthy mental habits such as learning more and practicing wisdom based on the experiences of the past and some kinds of modeling of a potential future. By continuously educating and improving ourselves, we train our ‘mental immune system’ to stay alert and even adapt to whatever is happening in the world. Without proper and frequent mental ‘booster’ shots, we will become badly infected and will suffer as a result.
I hope everyone’s physical is on track to becoming fully recovered from the difficult 2 years we all have had. I also hope that we take our mental fitness at least as seriously if not more so, in the coming weeks and months. It is our mind that truly determines how we see and interact with the world so it’s the mind that must not be ‘infected’ by viruses because that is the real danger to our existence. Without a healthy mind, we cannot truly be our most Awesome selves.
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