By Shazad
We live in a world of excess. So much is about having MORE and BIGGER. We seem to have lost sight of having Better things which doesn’t always mean bigger or more expensive. Something like a nice sweater made from quality wool is better than one that is made from polyester and rayon. The quality wool sweater will last longer and wear better over time. it will be enjoyable to get into and have in your wardrobe. You may have paid more for it initially but will not have the desire to own more cheap sweaters to wear just for the sake of variety because a few quality clothing items will meet your needs.
in the same way, a reliable car or comfortable and efficient home will make you feel a lot happier in the long run compared to having a big mansion with a lot of maintenance or an exotic sports car with expensive repairs. Take the same approach with your health and food. More is NOT always better. Some quality food and movement each day that keeps you fit and lets you savour each bite is better than multiple buffets each night that require you to workout 7 days a week doing exercises you absolutely hate just to maintain your current weight.
Make QUALITY your focus in life. You can’t take your assets or money with you. Use whatever resources you do have to make things last longer as they continue to provide you with joy. You’ll have less stress and more time to really enjoy living. That’s how you achieve an Awesome Life.
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