By Ahsan
As individuals, we try to improve ourselves and learn many techniques for achieving our goals.
For example, we hear about better ways to single-task or de-clutter our desks to be more productive.
Generally, all these ideas work and are helpful, but there is a problem in following techniques compared to understanding the more important principle behind such great ideas.
Know The Principle
In the case of de-cluttering and single-tasking, we should look at the principle of how our mind focuses on one thing more efficiently and thereby creating an environment of concentration. More incredible concentration results in the efficient use of time for a task. This gives us some better results. So we benefit from the greater principle of "focus your mind" to be efficient rather than getting robotic about hacks and tips. Robotically following tips and hacks makes us better caterpillars. Unfortunately, we are still just improved caterpillars and nothing more.
Emerge As A Butterfly. Literally, a transformed creature that is more capable and brilliant in its later state than the former one.
What is the end goal of a caterpillar?
Why, of course, it is to change into a butterfly. A caterpillar is destined to emerge as its fulfilled potential in the truest sense and to have wings to fly. The same opportunity is there for us.
We can all try to understand the principle behind a great tip, hack, or bit of advice so that we use the principle in more ways than the original tip or hack we try.
How do you prove that you are a butterfly? How will you know that you have emerged from the cocoon of mediocrity to being the bombastic new version of yourself?
Two pieces of evidence will testify in your favour. One is that you instinctively do your tip/hack without thinking about it. In the case of our example, you settle down to work without distractions and do so in an uncluttered environment.
The second and more remarkable indicator of your transformation will be from a new and original application of the principle that you self-discovered and made part of your way of doing things.
Perhaps you use the principle of "focus the mind" in your weight training where you really feel the muscle extending and contracting, or you have better conversations with your loved ones because you listen to them and hear what they are saying with full presence.
We all have a choice in life to become better caterpillars or bombastic butterflies.
All the best for the New Year and the excellent work you do to create a more Awesome Life.
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