By Ahsan
Once upon a time, there was a group of people who were imprisoned in a cave. This unfortunate group of people were chained by their necks, arms, and legs to only face the dark walls in front of them. Behind them was a fire to provide them with some warmth. However, what they saw in front of them were shadows of objects that moved behind them.
One day, one of the prisoners broke loose from the chains and saw the real world of objects and even ventured outside the cave's mouth and saw the sun and the trees. She then returned to the prisoners and explained what really lies beyond the cave.
The prisoners declared her mad and even agreed to kill her if they could.
This story is given to us by the Greek Philosopher Plato. It is a powerful allegory that can be interpreted in many ways…A wise person has said, “there are no facts, just interpretations.”.
I wish to highlight the moral of the story that we all live in a cave world where we see a particular perspective of life. Often, that perspective is limited and may not serve us well. All we have to do is break free of our “chains” and venture outside the cave to see the world of truth and possibilities.
Once we leave the cave, we do not want to ever go back and dwell there again.
We become free to explore and grow. We are no longer limited to only see shadows of the world. We can witness the very objects in their true light.
May you remember the “Allegory of the Cave” and use it as an instant reminder to live an Awesome Life!
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