By Shazad
I will be celebrating 52 years of age this year. That’s 52 successful turns around the Sun and all the birthdays marking the blessings of being alive one more year. I have learned a number of valuable things with the passage of time and I’m going to share these with you. I’m sure many points will resonate with you because these ideas are all part of our shared human journey.
1. Quality is more important than quantity.
2. The biggest regrets in life are about the things not done and the time not spent with loved ones.
3. Travelling is life-changing and is the best use of time and resources.
4. Self Discipline is powerful and more important than motivation or being pushed by someone else.
5. Other people’s thoughts about me are much less important than what I think about myself.
6. Ordinary people trying their best with what they have are the real heroes in life.
7. The purpose of life is about living a life of purpose.
8. We don’t choose our genetics, background, or entry into the world but we have a lot of power over our growth, decisions, and our journey through this world.
9. Age, weakness, and death are all parts of life rather than something to fight against. Accept and embrace your mortality.
10. The Purpose of Higher Education is to learn how to learn and then apply things. It’s not about the Degree and all about the skill of gaining knowledge. The purpose is to become wiser as well as aware of the limits of our own knowledge.
11. Say NO to many things and make space in the calendar for the right things to say YES to. This becomes most important when you are married and have children.
12. It’s better to seek a peaceful and fulfilling life rather than a vague notion of momentary happiness.
13. Enduring stress and rare moments of suffering can positively transform a person. Passing through these moments can be a great way to become the next best version of yourself.
14. Luck truly is when Opportunity, Consistency, and Hard Work line up for a successful outcome. Do your part of the work and you will keep experiencing good luck.
15. Deep attachment to things is a weakness that will be exploited by others and will result in mental suffering.
16. Taking care of yourself physically, mentally, and spiritually is not a luxury but a necessity that benefits every part of life.
17. There are seasons in life with different priorities, adventures, responsibilities, and sacrifices. Fully Enjoy each season and don’t wish you were in another one because that is self-inflicted pain you don’t need.
18. It’s more important to understand and create systems for success. This is better than performing a bunch of habits or learning a variety of facts.
19. A few good friends that you keep in touch with for decades are better than 100+ followers on social media. You will likely never spend any time with those who follow you online.
20. Writing things down clears up the mind and reduces stress. It also helps to remember and learn things better.
21. Anger is normal but should be controlled and managed because just like a fire, it can destroy people and things when it’s used as a weapon.
22. The Story in life is more important than the raw facts or information about something. Ask yourself what is the narrative you are telling yourself as you go through a life experience.
23. Collect memories, experiences, and photos of the life you have lived. These are more important than money, fame, and Social Media Likes.
24. If you cannot make time for big things, try to break them down into smaller chunks to manage resources.
25. Use humour in your day. Find the funny in life and you will enjoy yourself more.
26. Give sincere praise regularly. Make it a habit to say Thank You to people often. Even if it is for small acts of human kindness you experience each day.
27. Try to figure out how much one hour of your attention is worth and never waste it or accept less “pay” than you deserve.
28. Find at least 5 people that are motivated and capable of positive life changes so you can be friends with them. Help each other reach their full potential in life.
29. Review your mistakes, failures, and near misses at success. Analyze what went wrong so you can avoid the same mistakes next time.
30. Of the many virtues in life, Courage, Wisdom, Temperance, and Justice are some of the best to keep in mind at all times.
31. There is a benefit to moving fast and adjusting the course as you go. There is also a benefit to proper planning before a journey and estimating the hurdles before you face them.
32. Tactics and Strategies are both important in life. Don’t ignore either one of these.
33. Do good things and then move on to the next good deed. Don’t dwell on what you have done for others.
34. Manners, principles, discipline, and kindness go a long way in human relationships so make them part of your character.
35. Don’t wait for someone to rescue you from your situation. You have to be the hero of your own life through the right conduct and wisdom.
36. Expect resistance, friction, and general twists in the plot. You will be less frustrated in life and can plan for ways to handle things better when you face these hurdles.
37. Plant seeds of kindness and good deeds often. Don’t expect anything in return.
38. Spend time with very young people as well as the very senior members of society. Look into their eyes and imagine and try to see the world through their eyes to help you tune your own perspective.
39. Read contrarian information that is not aligned with what you know or believe to see what it may have to offer about a given topic. Maybe you will strengthen your own beliefs or perhaps, you will change your mind about something.
40. Always look for ways to educate yourself on the job and in your own personal time. Take advantage of free courses and training subsidized by your employer or some government agency.
41. Be a Mentor to those younger than you or those with less experience. Freely give of your time and experience on a regular basis.
42. Seek mentors who can help you get to the next level of your personal or professional journey. Don’t try to do it all alone.
43. Find ways to have great experiences each year by stepping back from work and life routines. Change up your schedule for 1 week or a full month and explore a different place or culture.
44. Audit your inputs ranging from physical items to digital media and cut down all of these by 10%. Do another audit in 6 months and reduce everything by another 10%.
45. Make space in your closet, car, and life for expansion and growth but don’t immediately try to fill the void. Enjoy the empty space your created for a while. Be selective about what you put in each aspect of your life and make it intentional.
46. Do a little more than what is expected of you on a regular basis and you will stand out. Most people are not even doing what they committed to doing so anyone who regularly does a little more than what is required is the one others will be attracted to.
47. Remember you cannot please everyone so pick your audience and serve them to the best of your ability.
48. Becoming a parent is hard. It’s not supposed to be an easy job so respect the challenge and step up to do your best every day. That’s what children deserve from us.
49. Traditions and trends are important but shouldn’t become dogma or ‘policy’ in your life. Know the difference between what is required and what is handed down as a cultural practice.
50. You will never stop learning lessons in life so never imagine you are ‘done’ or have achieved a state of perfect wisdom. There’s always room to learn and refine your knowledge some more.
51. Expect to lose important people and precious things and give thanks each day that you still have them. This will prevent you from becoming ungrateful and complacent about what matters in life.
52. Life is Short so you might as well Live Awesome!
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