By Ahsan
Have you ever wished for a thing to be a certain way only to see your plans and dreams turn out another way?
Wouldn’t it be grand to have life unfold as you want it to and for people to be the way that pleases you?
Given the recent few years and the coming new year, having more control over your destiny would be nice. It would be awesome.
So, is there a secret to having control over your life?
Indeed there is, and maybe this is the first time anyone has ever told you what it is. So let's see if this is true for you.
The deep secret lies in having trust.
But trust in what?
Right now, in your chest, a most amazing thing is happening.
There is a muscle that is pumping blood throughout your body. Your heart beats about 100,000 times a day or about 35 million times a year. In an average lifetime, it will beat 2.5 billion times.
Think about that. If your heart stops. You stop. And yet, if you were asked to do something even twice in one day, you might complain of the great inconvenience and hassle.
On the other hand, your heart is beating without you thinking about it. It is being done for you.
Whoever puts us here on this planet is doing things for us. If your Creator does this for you, what else is being done for you?
Can you expand your awareness and appreciate the miracles of air to breathe, water to drink and fire to keep you warm? You are not doing life; life is being done for you. If this is true, is this something you can put your trust in?
Don’t lose that trust. Keep trusting this all your life and go with the flow of life.
This is not to say, "don't try, have goals, make plans, or have expectations of others." Instead, even though there is chaos under the skies, all is well.
One thing that all the mystics from all the religions agree on: all is well, all is well.
You really don’t control life. Let that be a thought you can trust in 2023.
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