Here Is The Most Amazing Yet Most Dangerous Story Ever!

By Ahsan

No one could explain the reason why she started crying in the middle of the country fair. 

It was a beautiful sunny day. There was a rush of people all around, children laughing and families enjoying the rides and delicious treats like mango milkshakes, spicy corn on the cob, and funnel cakes, topped with strawberries and drizzled with maple syrup. 

Elanor was a beautiful young woman. She had big expressive eyes, curly hair, a radiant smile, and she came from a mixed heritage, half Italian and half Japanese. And she had a great personality on top of it all. From the outside in, you could say she was blessed: an excellent reputation as a person, family, friends, a decent career and interests, and hobbies that gave her meaning. 

But that was not the real story.

Elanor wished she could be someone else. Everyone else she knew enjoyed their lives and liked themselves. She could not bear the emotion of feeling inadequate and not being lovable. The life she lived was mostly one of feeling anxious and awkward with fleeting moments of temporary happiness. 

In her mind, she needed to get away from the people whom she felt never really valued her or truly loved her. 

To her friends, neighbours, and coworkers, she was a polite but timid person. But, in reality, Elanor could never get over how her friends ditched her in the first week of grade 9 and started their campaign of mental abuse. They convinced her that she was weird and that no one could ever like a person like her. And so, Elanor, for obvious reasons, as you will soon see, became the “shy” person that the rest of the world knew her as. 

Perhaps, you can see what Elanor could not see. 

She was the victim of her high school bullies. Emotionally, she was fragile. This much is true. But most importantly, she told herself the story that they wanted her to believe for 14 years, day after day. Had Elanor rewritten the event of her grade 9 life in the second week of grade 9, she would have lived a very different existence. 

Unknown to the vast majority of people, our lives are influenced not by events or people but rather something else.  The challenge we all face is that our lives are ruled by the story or stories we keep telling ourselves and the meaning we attach to them. But why is this so?

Let’s try something together: stay silent and stop reading this article for one minute.

Are you back?

What were you thinking during that one minute? I doubt it was nothing.

We all have a voice in our head that speaks to us non-stop from the time we open our eyes to the time we drift off to sleep. That voice is your constant companion; you cannot turn it off. It keeps talking to you and seems to have a mind of its own (LOL). However, you should understand that 80% of the thoughts it generates are mostly negative or meaningless, and the other 95% of it is predominantly random. 

Unfortunately, people have what is called a “past.” Usually, in childhood or adolescence, something terrible happens that leaves a life-long effect on how we live the rest of our lives. That past becomes our present. By retelling specific stories and the meaning you attach to them, your life can either become heaven or hell. 

These stories rule our life and reinforce their shadow on how we live our life, good or bad.

Ask yourself if this is true for you?

If it is, you will never break free of the story’s grip on your life unless you do something about it.

The positive stories we tell ourselves can lead to amazing things.

The negative stories may become outright dangerous.

Perhaps, all Elanor needed to do was say to herself that these girls are trying to manipulate me and rather than believe them, I will move on and make new friends even if I only find one who genuinely likes me for who I am. In this way, she would have given her mind a new meaning to the event and shrugged off the whole trauma she felt in that first week of grade 9. 

Here is what you might like to do. 

Try to rewrite the meaning of the story that is ruling your life. 

Live the life you truly deserve. Not the one you are stuck within the present moment.


  1. Become aware of the voice that talks to you all day long and don’t believe at least 80% of it because most of that dialogue is nonsense.

  2. Sit with a journal and write down the stories that you are telling yourself that you know are not preventing you from living in peace and joy.  Identify the story that helps others to live joyfully and consider why can’t you also be that way?

  3. Resolve to rewrite the story, especially the meaning of what you attach to it. Get creative and find positives, even if there are traumas and tragedies in the story. What happened 35 years ago, however bad, is now over. It is the past. This is a fact.

  4. Repeat that new meaning every day so that you allow your mind to heal and move on. People mostly endure life; very few of us are truly living.

  5. Remember that just like taking a shower every day, so that you can refresh your body, you need to also take control of your mind and the stories and their meanings daily. This is how to enjoy the fragrance of life.

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Long Term Thinking

By Shazad

Many people in this world are narrowly focused on what happens today or at most, tomorrow. It’s good to live in the present but we must also be thinking beyond the immediate. There needs to be some planning for what happens after the new job starts, the married life begins or that business launches. So much emphasis is on the interview preparation for a job, the elaborate planning of a wedding function, or the initial stock offering of a new company. We should spend at least as much time on what happens in the many months and years that follow these grand events in life. Being aware and proactive about our lives in the long term helps to keep momentum going and makes life more fulfilling.

We all need to live in the moment each day while also thinking how to make every tomorrow joyful and successful. We do this by fuelling our future life with all the gratitude, love, patience and resilience we can muster.

Create the New Awesome

By Shazad

Many of you are probably wanting things to get back to “normal'“ now. You are tired of lockdown, limited social gatherings and the inability to do whatever you want to do whenever you want to do it. I hear you!

Whenever you go through a crisis or difficult situation, don’t expect things to go back to the way they were. Many describe their daily routine as the ‘normal’. They often don’t like their daily routine and want to escape to some other way of living…until things change drastically and then those same people want their old life back. Ironic, isn’t it?

Instead of trying to go back in time (which you can’t) and then wishing life would be different, realize that this is your opportunity to be different - right now! Make an Awesome new routine for yourself despite your restrictions and the weirdness of your daily routines with the work from home, study from home, play at home and all the other things you have to do from home. Make a game out of these times and play to win! Be thankful for all the things you still have that you can’t live without. Make a plan to preserve some of those Awesome moments and routines and get rid of the nonsense and wasteful things in your life instead of carrying them forward. Optimize your family and friends time and become more people focused instead of wanting more ‘things’ to impress people you don’t even know online. By now, you should have realized who your real friends are and who you want to spend more time with so reduce time with everyone else.

Let’s come out of this crisis with strength, courage and a new way of living that is the best we have ever experienced! The New Awesome is waiting for you!

How Far Have We Come In The War Against Racism?

By Ahsan

O mankind, We have created you from a male and a female, and We have made you into tribes and sub-tribes that you may recognize one another. Verily, the most honourable among you, in the sight of Allah, is he who is the most righteous among you. Surely, All is All-knowing, All-Aware. The Holy Qur’an Chapter 49 verse 1

Just like you, I have been following the outrage concerning the needless and tragic death of George Floyd. The image of the police officer’s knee on Mr. Floyd’s neck will never be forgotten.

What happens next in terms of the worldwide acknowledgement of Racism and protest against it remains to be seen.

I have witnessed Racism having grown up in Toronto during the 70s and 80s. I have been called Paki and told to go home. I have also been looked at with disdain. The ideals of being equal may be preached by society at large but not wholly followed and may well never be, unless we move decisively towards a solution.

I am not sure what the overall solution should look like; however, I have a good story to share that may point the way.

In 1990, I visited Los Angeles to see my cousin. During that visit, I met Mr. Rahmat Jamal, the Vice-President of the Los Angeles Muslim Community. He was a 75-year-old black gentleman.

I mention his age so that you know what type of environment he grew up in. He lived through the 1920s as a child, the 1940s as a young adult and the 1960s as a middle-aged "black man in America."

In other words, Mr. Jamal lived through all the atrocities of segregation, whites-only restaurants and water fountains, unquestioned discrimination, sit at the back of the bus because you are "black" rule and the Civil Rights movement. When Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Rosa Parks, Malcolm X and Muhammad Ali were making their mark, he was there.

My cousin and I met him on a beautiful sunny day for lunch. As we parked the car and were adding some coins to the parking meter, I asked him: “How many black brothers do we have in L.A.? He immediately answered, “none.”

I was confused for a moment and then realized I must have said something wrong. "None?" I replied. He then told me, pointing to the tire of the car. Have you ever seen anyone who’s skin colour looks like that tire? That tire is black. For that matter, have you ever seen anyone who’s skin is the colour of snow? That is white.

Mr. Jamal went on to say: “that people need to stop referring to colour and labels like black history, black pride and being black or white.”

 In his opinion, this only further divides people and makes the problem of Racism permanent.

According to Mr. Jamal, the best way to address a person is by his name. If you don't know a person's name, you might refer to historical origins, for example, Greek or Pakistani or African. There is no need to use the label of colour.

I, for one, agreed then and do now.

We will need a multi-faceted solution to Racism, and we must continue to make this a global initiative. Hopefully, the death of George Floyd will not go in vain and will begin the same enthusiasm as the rush to find a vaccine against the current worldwide pandemic.

All men and women are humans first and created in tribes and sub-tribes, so that we may know each other. The only “best” people among us are those who excel each other in goodness, especially as it relates to helping other human beings. 

Would you agree? You don’t need to be religious to appreciate this wisdom.

We have a long way to go to eliminate Racism. It is not an ideal that we must strive for; it is an absolute imperative—shame on anyone who harbours superior feelings based on their race.

We also need to be respectful of all human beings¾ not be racially tolerant. Tolerating someone based on their race is still a form of saying, "I will put up with you." How does that make sense or solve Racism?

We must personally become the best version of humanity that we can be, and want for our fellow beings what we want for ourselves.

Above all, society at large and governments, in particular, must uphold justice in their mutual dealings. Or else, they will lose this war. 

So, how many black people live in your city?

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ABC - Always Be Curious

By Shazad

I am nearly at the half century point in my life and I am still curious. I want to know more, learn more and become more than I am today. I’m curious how people who lived before me handled stress, leadership challenges and every day life. I think some of the most brilliant people in the world have been the curious ones.

Curious people ask questions like, “How can this be better?” and “What would happen if I did things this way instead of the way it’s been done in the past?”. Curious people challenge current thinking and break out of the mould that many others have been stuck in. Children are curious and they learn much as a result of this. To be fascinated by the possibilities of what could be drives the human spirit forward. Curiosity leads to investigation, research and solutions to many problems in business, science, and many other aspects of life.

When did you stop being curious? That was the point you stopped growing. Get back to that place where you believed in a better way and better life for yourself. We will all benefit when we are more curious.

Recognize That You are an Essential Person

By Shazad

To be “Essential” means to be absolutely necessary or extremely important. We are all important in lives of someone else. Perhaps it’s. a number of people in our family or maybe it’s the team we lead at work or in our community. The point is that we are essential to at least one person out there so take care of yourself and fulfill your responsibilities to them every day. They are counting on you.

What Got You Here Is Not Going To Get You There!

By Ahsan

Have you ever seen a fly trying hard to escape a room by hitting a window? The poor fly tries again and again, while just a few feet away from the window is an open door. All the fly has to do is change course and be free. Silly fly. All he had to do was try a different way, and he would be free! 

I suppose we can't fault the fly because after all, how smart can a fly be. On the other hand, you and I are humans but sometimes we act no better than a typical house fly. We bang our heads over and over again, expecting to get good results from life by following the same path repeatedly.

The number one reason people do not achieve their goals in life is that they fail to adjust course! Don’t let this be you!

Let’s examine 3 crucial concepts to overcome so that we can get from here to there.

1.    Take a good look at what got you here. If you start to analyze this, you should recognize that your mindset (positive) and habits (helpful) had a lot to do with it. However, to go further than you are now, you may need to strengthen or even change your mindset and habits. Build on what you have, but don't say you are done improving.

2.    Consider getting rid of a few things. We all have limited time and resources. You cannot afford to hold on to thinking, or activities or even people who are slowing your progress. In other words, don’t waste time! You may need to jettison some sacred items in order to move ahead.

3.    Never stop thinking about growing and improving. Your life will improve only after you improve yourself. This mindset of lifetime learning and growth will pull you towards your potential. We can and should have the goal to keep growing right up to our last day.

Your life may be going very well. You may be firing on all cylinders. However, we are talking about moving beyond what you have achieved already. Don’t bask in the glory of your recent achievements. You climbed the mountain and reached the summit, but now you must get off the mountain and find a new mountain. Today it was Everest, tomorrow it should be K2 and beyond!

Here is how you might go about doing this:

Take some time for solitude and contemplation. Ask yourself, what shift in mindset and what added habit will help me go from here to there? Only by asking will it be revealed to you. Be honest and get real with yourself. You might be the most qualified person in your life to tell you what your next steps should be! Find the opening and make your move!

If you liked this article and know someone who is goal-oriented and should read this, please share it on your social media and suggest they visit to subscribe to our email list.

3 Skills To Develop and 3 To Avoid

By Shazad Ahmad

I can’t predict the future. No one can and anyone who says then can should be avoided! What I can do is understand history, trends and how businesses operate over time. I can take this understanding to come up with some very likely skills everyone will need for success as an employee or leaders in their own business.  There are 3 key life skills I have identified as absolutely critical for success in the future.

The first necessary skill that is in demand now and will continue to be in great demand will be Critical Thinking.  The ability to analyze a situation and use rational judgement combined with unbiased decision making to address it, is powerful!  The best leaders are those that can see and solve complex problems using this skill while others either ignore or run away from problems. Many organizations will seek out leaders who possess the ability to think critically. Be the person who others are looking for to lead them.

The second necessary skill is Effective Communication in print, on a microphone or video format. Communication is a core human skill and It should be obvious that effective communication will always be important to human life. No great person ever existed who was not able to share a vision, idea or product with someone in such a way that they understood it. Many people focus on just one way of sharing ideas such as in writing or through verbal discussion. To truly become a great leader and successful professional, we must all become comfortable with and persuasive with all kinds of formats. We need to be good on video as well as on a microphone on a moment’s notice. We should be able to write short or long form content with little preparation and always using proper grammar and punctuation.  Such people are the ones who change the minds of people with their words. Don’t ever underestimate the power of your words.

The third most important skill for a successful person in any field is the ability to keep learning how to learn regardless of age, language, ethnic background or anything else.  This is another key human ability and one that is fundamental to the human race.  It’s also an essential part of having a growth mindset in your professional field. Our potential and ability to keep learning for our entire lives is what you must take advantage of. By always learning about your industry, related fields and also about your own self, you ensure that you are staying current and developing self-awareness.  This powerful combination goes beyond just surviving in the future. You become an influential leader people want to follow and learn from.

In addition to the above, there are also at least 3 attitudes or bad habits that will most certainly keep you stuck or worse, cause you to be out of work now and in the future.  The first is to think you have mastered your field and there is nothing more to know. You are satisfied with your knowledge from 10+ years ago and think everyone should just accept what you say from now one without questioning you. This attitude is harmful for obvious reasons. Never stop learning and staying humble. You don’t know everything and you never will. That is ok and gives you an opportunity to keep learning.

Another way to ensure failure is to simply take courses everyone else is taking because it’s popular and you heard some good jobs need a certain course.  You don’t really understand the course material and barely pass the exams but you continue taking courses that everyone says you should take in multiple categories in the hopes of trying to make a career or start a business with this information.  This approach often fails because the person doing this doesn’t have a vision for their own career and often lacks enough interest in the topics so they never develop the required knowledge to practically apply the information gained from the various courses.  Each person taking a course needs to understand the context of their training with other things they already know and their desired field of interest. The student must be able to have a general idea of how things will connect with other information to become something more relevant. Courses should be taken for the purpose of building upon some level of knowledge combined with interest in a topic.  Whenever a course is completed, the student should make a habit to restate key ideas learned in the course. The student should also identify where this knowledge can be applied to solve a problem or improve an existing business opportunity.

The third of many bad habits to avoid is trying to blend into a group or market segment and just be another person with a similar service or product.  Those who do this become an average cog or part in a big corporate machine. Such people and businesses are no better than the average in a sea of average people and businesses, so nothing about you stands out.  This is perhaps one of the most common things and most dangerous things that may professionals end up doing.  it slowly kills them and keeps them stuck in something they don’t even like doing. Many such people and businesses will get replaced by automation and offshoring of jobs where routine tasks and average work can be done by someone else.  A business professional’s goal should be to stand out and become unlike the rest of the workers or businesses.  By focusing on quality over quantity of work, you can achieve this. A person of high standards, great self-awareness and a passion for doing the right things will always be recognized as someone to watch and listen to.  The average person and companies will be lost in the crowd and easier to ignore. They will be replaced by something or disposed of like an unnecessary commodity item by decision-makers.  By investing our time and energy to improve our skills to be among the best employees or businesses, we ensure we will be heard, followed and even remembered after we leave the position or business role.  The goal of all professionals should be to create a personal success brand that reminds everyone of who you are and you believe in. Constantly developing and refining your personal brand makes you a better professional and person. Until you can become memorable for some great human qualities and skills, you won’t be fully appreciated which means you will not find fulfillment in your life because you know you have more potential than what you are showing to the world.  At the end of the day, we all need to find purpose, fulfillment, and happiness in our working life because we can spend 2/3rd of or adult life in this mode. Success is the outcome you get when you figure these things out. Don’t chase success as your goal. Review the qualities of successful people and those who fail so you can learn from them.

The successful people of the future will be those that can understand and apply the required skills and avoid all the toxic beliefs, bad habits and limited thinking of the majority of people who only wish for success. Don’t be like the people who don’t actually do anything to achieve their personal best. Success can be yours if you are ready to work for it!

Prepare for the New "Normal"

By Shazad Ahmad

Every major and even some small shocks to the system changes the system in some profound ways. The spread of COVID-19 around the world and all the measures taken to address this disease are indeed a shock to the global system. It’s impacted the environment, the economy, politics and the social habits of Billions of people. More impacts will come soon. So what’s next?

No one is sure how lock the lockdowns and social distancing measures will last. No one knows how many people will get sick or die and when the virus will peak. There is no certainty on when an effective vaccine will be made and distributed to all the ones who need it. One thing that is 100% is that things will NEVER be the same again. That is as it SHOULD BE! This is a major pandemic and global crisis that has changed the lives of everyone in some way. We should not expect things to return to the way they were after some months have gone by and a vaccine is found. What is needed now is acceptance of the failures in the system that caused the shock to be felt more severely than required. We also need to review the success stories and why the plans worked. We need more foresight and planning as well as testing of procedures. We cannot take essential services or simple pleasures of life, for granted.

Most of us will live through this latest crisis but some precious few people will be gone forever and that will be felt severely by friends and family. We need to Love those we say we care about while they are still with us. We also need to STOP DOING all unnecessary things that waste our time and resources. This is a time of reflection to focus on what is TRULY IMPORTANT. I cannot stress this enough! STOP BEING BUSY and START LIVING YOUR BEST LIFE. Time is always running out. It’s not going slowly or speeding up. We all have the same 24 hours a day so spend the time adjusting to this reality we live in.

Whether it’s a few weeks or months from now, a New “Normal” will emerge. Be the person who has become stronger during this crisis. Become wiser and more grateful for all that you have and all that you are in life. Become even better going forward and prepare yourself for all of life’s challenges. This was not the last one you will face so always be prepared and willing to do what is needed. Be the Awesome Ones who anticipate the next shock to the system and who demonstrate the Best Leadership to guide others when they need it the most!

Now Is the Time!

By Shazad Ahmad

“I Don’t Have the Time”. I’ve said it many times in the past and I’m sure you have too. We say this whenever someone tells us to read something useful or to do some exercise. We also say this whenever we are told we should plan for a rainy day, clean-up something at home or at work and in general when we are supposed to think about our future. I know you understand what I'm saying at a deep level that cannot be denied or disputed.

Well, NOW we ALL have some TIME! We have the time to think, plan and improve ourselves because we are in physical lockdown. We can choose to use this time to make ourselves mentally and physically stronger or we can stay the same. We can choose to fix, repair or clean up something that badly needs it or just ignore it. We can also choose to plan for the next shock to our work and life in general…or we can pretend there won’t be any more disruptions to our work or home life. The only certainty is that there will be more disruptions to come and the prepared individuals and organizations will get through to the other side. Will you be among those or will you become a memory for history books and family discussions?

What you do from now on with the time you are given is up to you. It has always been up to you to make yourself better so you can respond to life’s challenges in the best way. Will you take the TIME and do what you KNOW YOU NEED TO BE DOING RIGHT NOW?

Unlimited Vision For The Next Generation

By Shazad Ahmad

I am a dad to a little boy and it’s a great feeling I have been waiting to experience my whole life. Many family and friends come to visit and tell us who he looks like. Many people also pray or otherwise wish him to be like my wife or myself or some other person they believe has a good character. I appreciate what they have to say but I have a greater vision for my son.

It’s natural for parents to want to mould their children to their lifestyle and follow their track. This is a good thing in principle but we must be careful. Our children should not be limited by our potential or capabilities. I wish my son to achieve HIS personal best in life by fulfilling his OWN potential in life to the maximum degree. I don’t want him to be limited by my skills or those of my wife. Don’t we all want this for the next generation? Of course we do!

I would love it if our son had the generous spirit and kindness of my wife but why limit him to that? Why not wish and enable him to go to an even higher platform of generosity, goodness and love? That is the way we should be thinking for ultimate success and happiness of our children. I want our son and everyone in the next generation to take humanity to new heights of co-operation and achievement that are beyond my ability to imagine.

Let’s help our children and everyone who is not yet an adult, pursue their Personal Best in Life whatever that may be. Let’s empower them to go higher and farther than we have done so that we can face the challenges of today and solve the problems of tomorrow. All of Humanity is counting on the new generation to STEP UP and take civilization to the next level. We cannot be bound by our parents or grandparents abilities and opportunities. Let’s raise Generation Awesome!

Hurricanes, Earthquakes and Pandemic Virus Advice

By Ahsan Khan

Dear Friends,

If you want to scare yourself real good, you should scour the internet for news releases on the Virus.

I assure you, this will ruin your peace of mind and make you wonder why you should even try at life, the way you used to a short month ago.

The message of mayhem and misery is going to bring you down, if you let it.

Let us be among the first friends, to remind you that now is not the time to retreat or give up hope!

Now is the time to double down!

Double down on being brave and courageous.

Double down on being supportive to others who are scared.

Double down on working hard at your goals. When this crisis time is over, you will emerge stronger.

Double down on staying positive and resourceful as a leader for your family, friends and co-workers. 

Be smart. Wash your hands, don’t touch your face.  

At the same time…..

Wash your mind of negativity and don’t let fear overcome you either!

For all our Awesome Life Email subscribers, we will send you a *FREE* special guide that we hope you will find helpful, that will show you how to get more peace of mind and help you to achieve your goals!

It is a longer read, but just in time for the moment we live in! Please share your feedback with us and make sure you share this post with everyone you know that could use some perspective.

If you haven’t done so already, subscribe to our email list at:

You are Awesome and You Can Get Through This!

A Perspective on The Crisis

By Shazad Ahmad

"Come what may, all bad fortune is to be conquered by endurance." Virgil

We are in the midst of a pandemic that has shaken the world like none before it.

Many are fearful and some are feeling hopeless. But this too shall pass.

Humanity has faced many trials in the past..and moved forward. We will do so again this time. We need to keep our focus on enduring the day and planning sensibly for the future. We are not individuals wandering this existence alone. We are a global community of intelligent, rational and compassionate beings that will work together to solve this latest crisis.

I believe in humanity and ask you to do the same. People are working together and will continue to do more of this because they realize what is at stake. It will take all of us to make things better.

If you are a subscriber, coming soon to an Inbox near you is our Ultimate Guide to Perseverance in Hard Times.  Stay tuned for it.

I leave you with one of my favourite Stoic Quotes that captures the moment for me:

“Objective judgment, now, at this very moment. Unselfish action, now, at this very moment. Willing acceptance – now, at this very moment – of all external events. That’s all you need.” Marcus Aurelius

With Best Wishes for Patience and Fortitude.

Why Do We Train?

By Shazad Ahmad

Many people workout their physical bodies. Some are also practicing mental fitness and resilience.  A few people are regular in spiritual practice and achieving higher stages of enlightenment.  But what is all this for? Why bother trying to develop mind, body and soul?

I believe we do this because we know that through  such struggle, hardship and focus, we become better versions of ourselves.  

By training the body for strength and endurance, we obviously  look good and feel better. We are also ready to bear the stress of life with more courage and stamina. 

The practice of mental training to calm and focus the mind is a requirement for effective decision making, problem solving and creativity.  We become more productive as well as more empathic though exercises of the mind.

The soul or spirit is the third aspect of our being that needs to be trained to be a complete human beings. When we ponder on the divine and what it means to be a good human being in context of other living things, we find purpose, fulfillment and peace.

There are many people who train one or two aspects of their being but I challenge every one of you to be the  Awesome ones who train all three - your mind, body and soul.  In my personal experience, this is the only way to become a truly happy and effective human being.

Action Steps:

  1. When you train your body, think of your loved ones and how you will be able to help them by becoming stronger.  Imagine the kinds of strength you need to possess to carry the physical burden of your role including security of your family in times of danger. Develop the physical fitness you need with these things in mind.

  2. When developing better mental fitness, think of all of your important roles in life. How can you perform them with excellence and the best decision making. Create a plan to figure out what your mental fitness needs to be so you can lead your family and community.

  3. When you consider your spiritual state, review how  you feel today and what your perspective is for all living beings. How do you fit into this world and what kind of relationship do you want to have with every other living things starting with the most important people in your life.  Demonstrate the kinds of habits, words and actions you would like to see more of in the world as part of training for the soul.  This will give you more self-awareness and also respect for life.

Is Pain Necessary For Goal Achievement?

By Ahsan

When you are out to achieve a goal, you will try to avoid pain, and this can become your main problem.

Everyone wants to live a life of ease and pleasure. No one wants to end up with no rewards after putting in an effort, either.

Even our biological makeup seems to promote the desire for ease and pleasure.

After an intense effort, we crave rest. 

Similarly, when we eat our fill, we enjoy the bliss of a full stomach and are tempted by dessert!

In the pursuit of our goals, we seek pleasure and avoid pain.

Most humans seem to have a default setting that wants maximum results for minimum effort. And yet, when we truly achieve a goal of any importance, we usually do so with significant effort, sweat, tears, and scraped knees. 

The best results come from hard work!

The benefits of hitting our goal exceed the achievement of the goal: they include a sense of personal confidence and the belief that other goals can likewise be achieved.

Let’s take a look at the fascinating methods of a gold medal producing swim coach:

Mark Spitz, who in 1972 won 6 Olympic gold medals, went to Indiana University, and his coach was a guy named Doc Counsilman, the greatest swim coach in America’s history.

The first day of practice every fall, Coach Counsilman would take all the guys going out for the swim team out on the swim deck.

There was a little banner that hung over the pool, and the banner only had three words on it: Hurt, Pain, Agony.

The coach said, "Okay, we're going to spend a lot of time together this year, and if you want to be a part of this swim team, every afternoon, you have to come here for a couple of hours and swim until you hurt.

But if you have higher goals and you want to be a national champ, you have to come here every afternoon and swim until you're in pain."

"If you have still higher goals and you want to be the next Mark Spitz, you want to be a world champion or an Olympic champion; you have to come here and train until you're in agony." He said, "So it's your choice. Hurt, pain, agony." He said, "All of you, I wouldn't have recruited you unless I knew each and every one of you had world-class potential inside of you."

Here's the interesting thing. Whether you choose hurt or pain or agony, by the time you take a shower and go home for dinner, everything is going to go back to normal, so it's how much are you willing to give in that 2, 2-1/2 hours every day that's going to determine your destiny.

What's it going to be?

Hurt, Pain, Agony.

A little pain today will offset a lot of pain tomorrow. 

I hope you will agree. Your most awesome life depends on it!

Action Steps:

  1. Commit to seeing your goal being achieved regardless of how much pain may come your way.

  2. Hone your skills that will be needed to achieve your goal. Spend the time, hire the coach, put in the hours. Get wet.

  3. Give yourself a deadline. Otherwise, you will never see the finish line.

  4. Have a strategy for getting back on the horse when you get bucked off.

  5. Remind yourself of the pleasure of the pain⎯achieving your goal.

    If you liked this article and know someone who is goal-oriented and should read this, please share it on your social media and suggest they visit to subscribe to our email list.

Influence vs. Manipulation

By Shazad

We live in a world of millions of self described “influencers” and just as many manipulators. They are all over the Internet, TV, Radio and in our workplaces, schools as well as our families. Influence is the kind, helpful and necessary act of helping another person change for their own benefit. That could be through better eating, exercise or simply sleeping more. Real Influencers are necessary parts of human society.

Manipulators are those people who try to confuse, scare, insult and even force us down a certain path. The decision they are seeking from us is for their material, political or some other gain. It doesn’t have to do with our well being even though they might try to convince us that we somehow benefit from it. Manipulators are often pretending to be influencers and that is the danger. Knowing who is who and understanding who truly benefits from your change of action, thinking or purchase is your power.

We will always have Influencers and Manipulators in society so learn to tell them apart from now on. Don’t be manipulated by an influencer ever again.