By Ahsan Khan
Dear Friends,
If you want to scare yourself real good, you should scour the internet for news releases on the Virus.
I assure you, this will ruin your peace of mind and make you wonder why you should even try at life, the way you used to a short month ago.
The message of mayhem and misery is going to bring you down, if you let it.
Let us be among the first friends, to remind you that now is not the time to retreat or give up hope!
Now is the time to double down!
Double down on being brave and courageous.
Double down on being supportive to others who are scared.
Double down on working hard at your goals. When this crisis time is over, you will emerge stronger.
Double down on staying positive and resourceful as a leader for your family, friends and co-workers.
Be smart. Wash your hands, don’t touch your face.
At the same time…..
Wash your mind of negativity and don’t let fear overcome you either!
For all our Awesome Life Email subscribers, we will send you a *FREE* special guide that we hope you will find helpful, that will show you how to get more peace of mind and help you to achieve your goals!
It is a longer read, but just in time for the moment we live in! Please share your feedback with us and make sure you share this post with everyone you know that could use some perspective.
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