Prepare for the New "Normal"

By Shazad Ahmad

Every major and even some small shocks to the system changes the system in some profound ways. The spread of COVID-19 around the world and all the measures taken to address this disease are indeed a shock to the global system. It’s impacted the environment, the economy, politics and the social habits of Billions of people. More impacts will come soon. So what’s next?

No one is sure how lock the lockdowns and social distancing measures will last. No one knows how many people will get sick or die and when the virus will peak. There is no certainty on when an effective vaccine will be made and distributed to all the ones who need it. One thing that is 100% is that things will NEVER be the same again. That is as it SHOULD BE! This is a major pandemic and global crisis that has changed the lives of everyone in some way. We should not expect things to return to the way they were after some months have gone by and a vaccine is found. What is needed now is acceptance of the failures in the system that caused the shock to be felt more severely than required. We also need to review the success stories and why the plans worked. We need more foresight and planning as well as testing of procedures. We cannot take essential services or simple pleasures of life, for granted.

Most of us will live through this latest crisis but some precious few people will be gone forever and that will be felt severely by friends and family. We need to Love those we say we care about while they are still with us. We also need to STOP DOING all unnecessary things that waste our time and resources. This is a time of reflection to focus on what is TRULY IMPORTANT. I cannot stress this enough! STOP BEING BUSY and START LIVING YOUR BEST LIFE. Time is always running out. It’s not going slowly or speeding up. We all have the same 24 hours a day so spend the time adjusting to this reality we live in.

Whether it’s a few weeks or months from now, a New “Normal” will emerge. Be the person who has become stronger during this crisis. Become wiser and more grateful for all that you have and all that you are in life. Become even better going forward and prepare yourself for all of life’s challenges. This was not the last one you will face so always be prepared and willing to do what is needed. Be the Awesome Ones who anticipate the next shock to the system and who demonstrate the Best Leadership to guide others when they need it the most!