What Got You Here Is Not Going To Get You There!

By Ahsan

Have you ever seen a fly trying hard to escape a room by hitting a window? The poor fly tries again and again, while just a few feet away from the window is an open door. All the fly has to do is change course and be free. Silly fly. All he had to do was try a different way, and he would be free! 

I suppose we can't fault the fly because after all, how smart can a fly be. On the other hand, you and I are humans but sometimes we act no better than a typical house fly. We bang our heads over and over again, expecting to get good results from life by following the same path repeatedly.

The number one reason people do not achieve their goals in life is that they fail to adjust course! Don’t let this be you!

Let’s examine 3 crucial concepts to overcome so that we can get from here to there.

1.    Take a good look at what got you here. If you start to analyze this, you should recognize that your mindset (positive) and habits (helpful) had a lot to do with it. However, to go further than you are now, you may need to strengthen or even change your mindset and habits. Build on what you have, but don't say you are done improving.

2.    Consider getting rid of a few things. We all have limited time and resources. You cannot afford to hold on to thinking, or activities or even people who are slowing your progress. In other words, don’t waste time! You may need to jettison some sacred items in order to move ahead.

3.    Never stop thinking about growing and improving. Your life will improve only after you improve yourself. This mindset of lifetime learning and growth will pull you towards your potential. We can and should have the goal to keep growing right up to our last day.

Your life may be going very well. You may be firing on all cylinders. However, we are talking about moving beyond what you have achieved already. Don’t bask in the glory of your recent achievements. You climbed the mountain and reached the summit, but now you must get off the mountain and find a new mountain. Today it was Everest, tomorrow it should be K2 and beyond!

Here is how you might go about doing this:

Take some time for solitude and contemplation. Ask yourself, what shift in mindset and what added habit will help me go from here to there? Only by asking will it be revealed to you. Be honest and get real with yourself. You might be the most qualified person in your life to tell you what your next steps should be! Find the opening and make your move!

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