Tiger Should Not Have Won The 2019 Masters

By Ahsan Khan

I love to play golf. Hitting a ball pure and crisp is one of the most amazing feelings in the world.

I also have an idea of what it takes to hit consistently straight shots and win a tournament. Notice I said idea, not that I ever won a championship.  

One thing is for sure, golf is a hard game, and it’s hard to master let alone win the Masters.

Why do I opine that Tiger should have not won? I opine because of the state of his spine.

In case you did not know, Tiger has had a few back issues and recently had his fourth surgery to fuse two vertebrae! Yikes!

Friends, back surgery is no joke and to be able to swing a club after back surgery with the kind of shearing force Tiger inflicts on his spine, is unfathomable. You may enjoy reading this article in the New York Times: https://www.nytimes.com/2018/04/04/sports/golf/tiger-woods-masters.html

Based on his back surgery, he probably should not have won!

The fact is that he did and what does that mean for us?

It should mean, and it could mean that don’t count yourself out when it comes to overcoming impossible odds in pursuit of your goals.

What need did Tiger have for winning?

He already has wealth, fame and a few stories to tell. He could have retired, become a paid speaker or sports newscaster. In my books, Tiger won against the odds because he exhibits what we all need in our life. A focused mind and unbreakable spirit.

Here are three things that Tiger does and we should too:

  1. Vision

  2. Plan

  3. Work

Vision: See himself winning the 2019 Masters in vivid detail; mixed with a real feeling of desire.

Plan: A custom plan for rehabilitating his back and strengthening his core. A method for practice and training. And mindset to be coachable.

Work: Here is the most critical ingredient: Doing and implementing.  

To achieve success, we need to follow this simple recipe too! The most crucial part is Do The Work.

Most people get motivated, do research on how and fall short of the action part.

We witnessed greatness at the Masters this year. Tiger is truly a phenomenon.

I’m glad he won because he reminded me and inspired me to know that we are all capable of reaching our goals. That is, if we have a vision, make a plan to achieve our vision and are willing to do the work

All the best to you and may all your deepest goals be achieved.

It's all about Human Transformation

By Shazad

Many people have asked what is the purpose of life and why are we here. Various ideologies, philosophies and points of view exist to attempt to answer this kind of fundamental question of human existence. Some of these are very similar to each other while some are polar opposites and depend on the questioner’s belief in religion, an afterlife, freedom of choice and a variety of other things.

In the end, it is the individual that must come up with the best answer for themselves based on their life experiences and understanding of the world. I will offer my point of view for consideration that I believe everyone can appreciate. We are all here to improve ourselves and each other, every day. Once we know better, we should do better than yesterday. Empathy, self awareness and gratitude are fundamental to this concept which I’m calling human transformation. Knowing that you can improve and making it a mission in life to do so, will be the most important motivation you need. The satisfaction of constantly levelling up to the next best version of yourself is the ultimate prize on this grand journey called life. So, where are you on this journey?

The Imperfect Road to Awesome

By Shazad

“Don’t Wish it was easier, wish you were better” Jim Rohn

Many times we look at the great people of history and business and think that they must have had perfect lives. They probably had the most ideal homes and parents as well as best schooling experience. We imagine their coming of age as teenagers and then young adults was picture perfect with glowing recommendations from the whole society. This is often a false story and the reality of many of the most successful people is nothing like what we could imagine.

The great ones of society often had many struggles in life and were full of doubt at many times of their lives. They may have been adopted or were raised by single parents. Often times, their financial situation was like that of a low income family or worse. The top performers of the world often didn’t even attend college or university and those that did, usually dropped out without completing their education. They may even have a learning difficulty or challenge simply reading this paragraph. The friends and even family of these highly successful people didn’t think they would amount to much and wanted them to have average lives doing manual labour or clerical work. To say their life story is heart breaking may be an understatement! The reality of their lives is far from perfect and much tougher than what many of us have gone through…and yet, they rise above their circumstances to become the great ones like Oprah, Steve Jobs, Jeff Bezos, Elon Musk, Richard Branson, Tony Robbins, Jim Carrey and so many others have had anything but perfect childhoods or families and yet they succeeded.

These great celebrities and top earners are not just among the rich and famous people of the world. They are all living legends of our time and a great testimony to the fact that from struggle, hardship and persistence can come great things and great people. Study their childhood and early years as adults and you will realize that it is possible to change your life regardless of where you may be at today. Human beings have a great capacity to learn, grow, adapt and transform themselves into the best versions of themselves so don’t give up on your journey to becoming your most Awesome self.

Look at your own struggles and challenges in life and realize they were the foundation to make you a better person. Be grateful for this solid foundation built on hardship and develop the courage to keep going. Make the rest of your life, the best of your life knowing that many people with far worse circumstances rose to Awesome heights and so can you!

What's the BEST that could happen?

By Shazad

Many times in life we ask ourselves questions like, “What will happen if I do this?” or “What will people say?”

I challenge you all to ask another kind of question whenever you are thinking about personal change or other big decision in life. Ask yourself, “What’s the Best that could happen if I do this?”. Go deep into all the benefits and all the feelings of what it’s going to be like to achieve your goal. Look at all the positive benefits of how it will change your life from personal and professional point of view.

As a counter point, ask yourself another useful question. “What’s the worst that will happen if I DONT DO This?” List all the things that you will be denying yourself and all the ways you may be stuck in a situation or problem. When you do this exercise with honesty and detailed clarity of the outcomes, you will have the right motivation to move forward and keep moving forward to the completion of your task.

Good Luck and Live Awesome!

Three Good Questions That Can Propel You Ahead Of Everyone

By Ahsan Khan

Do you remember VHS tapes and going to the local video store to rent new release movies on a Friday night? That’s gone. Do you remember going to the local hardware store to pick up a few screws or a screwdriver? That’s gone too. How about playing board games like Ludo or getting lost driving to a new shopping mall or developing pictures from your pocket camera and throwing out the crappy pictures? These are distant memories like seeing horses and buggies on every street corner.

The world is changing fast. New technologies are transforming and disrupting the way things are done. If we are to get ahead of these changes and not become extinct, we need to reassess what our present results are. More importantly, we need to assess what the likelihood is of being relevant in the next five years.

The world will look radically different in just five years, wouldn’t you agree?

So what can you do to block and deflect the oncoming karate chop?

The problem is that trends and changes are “new” and, the probable outcomes are not easy to predict. The changes could lead to many different scenarios. Will AI and robotics enhance your effectiveness or make you obsolete? What will that mean for your paycheck or company profits?

The best advice I have is to be a keen student of your industry and read up on what is going on. If you do this with consistency, you may be able to see the picture unfolding better and get ahead of the curve.

 To focus yourself on some intentional thinking and proactive action, you will be well served if you ask yourself the following three questions:

1.     What should I stop doing?

2.     What should I start doing?

3.     What should I keep doing?

Whether you are an employee, manager, or business owner, you ought to ask these questions at least every six months. If you start with a blank piece of paper and think on paper, you should be well on your way to greater heights. 

Be honest and surgical about your answers. These are simple but powerful questions. The first time I looked at them I thought scoffed. The second time I thought about them I began to clue in and the third time I contemplated the questions and let a few answers flash in my mind, I was humbled.

What do you think?

Just suppose your job or business had a chance to grow and crush your biggest targets, would you take an afternoon and spend the several hours that these questions deserve?

Change is an opportunity to develop yourself and rocket ahead of the competition.

How To Live a Long Life

By Ahsan Khan

Here is the best reminder for taking your health seriously:

Sooner or later your health will become your number one priority!

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the number one killer of people in the USA is a heart attack.

Some of the millions that experience heart attacks never get the chance to change their ways – because they die.

We all know someone who has died of a heart attack. Given that it is the most common killer, perhaps we should educate ourselves on how to prevent one in the first place.

You may think that this short article will lay out the method. It will in one sense by bringing into focus something that may be overlooked in your life. I will get to that shortly.

In the meantime, I challenge you to think about where you are now in your health and lifestyle habits. Knowing this will make a difference in how long you live and how much life you have in your years.

Educate yourself about good heart health and remarkable health in general. One thing is for sure, robust health is not based on any one factor like diet, exercise, taking supplements or genetics. It is multi-factorial. How’s that for a fancy word?

Take some initiative and learn what you can to live a long life! This will give you time to develop your most awesome self.

Coming back to the heart health concept, most of us are unaware of what causes good heart health. Is it exercise? Is it diet? What about laughter? Or a sense of contribution to others?

Let’s focus on what most people think of when they think of heart health-cholesterol. This may or may not be the critical determinant of heart disease, and the experts are not totally in agreement on its mechanisms. Hint: sugar may be a more sinister culprit. Look that up when you have a moment!

If you are really keen, please check out this movie on Youtube: Widow Maker commissioned by an Irish Businessman and Philanthropist, Mr. David Bobbet https://youtu.be/WygYk81gXXk

(This movie will reveal to you a little known, non-invasive test that can show how much heart disease is present. Wouldn’t you want to know that if you could? What course corrections would you make?)

So, if cholesterol is the usual suspect, what may be more surprising to regular people like you and me, is the role of adrenaline and cortisol (read: stress hormones).

A person with no blocked arteries can also die of a heart attack caused by stress!

What? Is that true, you say?

How then do we keep stress down in the face of a 24/7 stress lifestyle?

Life is full of stress, both positive and negative. So how does one manage it, let alone overcome it? If this can be achieved, can a more extended life be assured and a needless heart attack avoided?

What else can a person add to their health regimen? Allow me to make a suggestion, here is what may be overlooked: advice found in The Holy Quran, Chapter 13, verse 29

‘Those who believe, and whose hearts find comfort in the remembrance of Allah. Aye! It is in the remembrance of Allah that hearts can find comfort;

Here may be the one missing key to a long and healthy life.  Only in the remembrance of God do hearts find peace. Happy heart=Long life.

It is Allah (God), who fills the heart with joy. If you take this from a spiritual perspective, you can really profit from this phenomenon.

Joy and relaxation, interpreting life with a hopeful outlook, being content and confident, allowing for Grace to fill your days can, in my estimation be all the difference in the world between ok health and Awesome Health!

Do what you can to be the recipient of this gift. In addition to eating well, moving more, sleeping soundly, meditating and keeping an attitude of gratitude, we need to tap into the Source of joy.

Tap into the Source of happiness! Why not make this a focus of your life, to live a longer life!

The transmission of peace, contentment and tranquillity is a gift from the Creator. It cannot be forced with incantations, long meditations or even rhythmic movements. It is a gift to one who strives to be worthy and deserving. Be good already, ok!

Belief in the Unseen Creator is vital. You may be Muslim, or Hindu, or Jewish or Christian or of another faith, the bottom line is giving this angle a try. Tranquillity and peace that comes from your worship and remembrance of your Creator and all His favours upon you, may be the magic pill that you need most.

A person whose heart is filled with joy is the person who might live the longest.

The heart that is filled with joy experiences more patience and forbearance in the face of life's challenges. You become strong both mentally and physically. Cheerfulness is the Queen of virtues. No material acquisition or vacation to a tropical island can do this in the same way.

To live long and have a healthy heart, you can go about it like the masses, or you can add this one additional admonition.

Take care of your heart with God’s help!

The Process and the Prize

by Shazad

Any significant work we do in short run or the long run has a prize at the end. This is the goal or achievement we are after and we need to keep in front of us at all times during the process.

Use the prize to motivate you during the process. This is especially necessary when the process is hard and it will be at times.  The process could be short and painful or very long and full of twists and turns before you get even close to the prize at the end.

It’s important to take each step of the process with care and consideration while not losing site of the goal.  Embrace and even enjoy the process so you can offer you best at that moment.  

Sometimes it’s more important to go through the process and become a better person, a more aware person or realize how rewarding the journey can be.  You may find the achievement of the goal or prize at the end to be anti-climactic compared to all the personal development that happened along the way.  Don’t stop now…you are about to become something better along this long journey called life.

I have reached Peak awesome!

Happy April!

It’s true.  Around the time I turned 48, Shazam!!! It suddenly happened! I hit the upper limit of my existence. That lightning bolt from the sky was pretty loud when it hit me but I am finally as Awesome as I can be...possibly the most Awesome anyone will ever be!  I would rate myself an 11 out of 10 now.

I am thinking of calling the Nobel guys to say they can stop looking for who to award all those future prizes to...I got it covered. :)

I don’t know why it took so long for me to peak but it finally happened.  I will have to find a way to cope with all the less than Awesomeness around me.  I think I will dial myself down to just 10 out of 10 so life is a little easier for everyone else.

If you believe this about me or yourself  reaching your full potential...remember what day it is and keep going.  We don’t know how truly Awesome we can be so don’t stop growing and improving.  Your life’s story has yet to come to its highest point...lightning bolt and “super powers” are optional.

How to Educate Yourself To Avoid Being A Victim Of “The Man”

By Ahsan Khan

One of the funniest and most lovable movies I have ever seen is School of Rock, starring Jack Black.

I bought the DVD on a whim and wanted something to watch with my family. This movie has become a family favourite and little did I know, destined to have a cult following.

The story revolves around a ne’er do well lovable underachiever, who poses as a supply teacher. The affable Mr. Schneebly, (aka Dewey Finn) creates a school project for his class and ends up taking his untrained proteges to a battle of the bands and guess what? They win.

The movie has so many funny lines that we as a family use as inside jokes. One of the central ideas he teaches his students, is to watch out for “The Man."

So, who is “The Man?”

The Man, oh, you don't know the Man. He's everywhere. In the White House... down the hall... Ms. Mullins, she's the Man. And the Man ruined the ozone, he's burning down the Amazon, and he kidnapped Shamu and put her in a chlorine tank! And there used to be a way to stick it to the man. It was called rock ‘n roll, but guess what, oh no, the Man ruined that, too, with a little thing called MTV!¾Dewey Finn, School of Rock

And “The Man”….should not be trusted.

I am not trying to raise conspiracy theories, after all, it is likely that we have never been visited by UFOs and Big Foot is just a figment of tired hunters' imaginations. What I would suggest, is get educated about things that really matter.

If you leave it to “The Man”, you will be led down a path that may prove to be full of holes and even banana peels. Instead of taking what you hear about as the only way to do things, be a bit more investigative and take a little initiative.

Here are a few things that really matter and if you can educate yourself, you might just insulate yourself from someone else’s agenda and the corresponding unintended consequences:

·      What to eat to get healthy and lose weight

·      Principles of Success so you can become rich

·      Changing your Habits that are holding you back

·      Overcoming Anxiety so you can truly enjoy this once in a lifetime trip called life

·      Stress Reduction as a means of living longer

·      Career Success to get more pay and fulfillment from your work or business

We live in the age of information. No one is stopping you from reading and watching what you can to become the most Awesome version of yourself that you can be.

Here is your action plan:

1)    Take a topic that is near and dear to you. Vibrant Health could be one such topic.

2)    Start learning: watch Youtube, buy books, attend a seminar, order a home-study course

3)    Apply what you learned by acting

4)    Share what you learn with a friend or family member to multiply the blessings

5)    Make that person you shared with your accountability buddy.

 Then rinse and repeat with the next topic.

It’s a long way to the top, if you want to rock ‘n roll.

Your Life's Purpose

By Shazad

“The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why.”

Mark Twain

I love the above quote which is often attributed to Mark Twain. It doesn’t matter so much who said it because it’s the message that really speaks to me a deeper meaning or mission in life. Years ago I thought about why I’m here in life and what I’m supposed to do. What is my fundamental purpose in life? The answer for me was to join forces with like minded people like Ahsan and change the world for the better. I decided my existence was a great blessing and my greatest way to show appreciation for this gift of life was to become the best I can be and help others do the same. But how did I do it?

It starts with mindset. The belief in myself and my ability to constantly improve was key. I improve because I believe I can keep doing so. I also try to make a positive difference in the world because I sincerely believe it’s possible and necessary for me to do so!

The next step was to find ways to help those in need. This can be as simple as giving advice and listening. It can also be more detailed like being a mentor to others and guiding them along a journey of personal development. Ahsan and I do this for each other and we have the pleasure of guiding others to improve their lives as well.

The third step is to document and share what I have learned along my personal journey as well as what I’ve learned with others. This blog and the Awesome Life book are some ways Ahsan and I want to change the world. We hope we cause people to pause and reflect more. To rethink what they think they know and also give them the confidence to stretch themselves to learn even more about themselves and the world.

At some point, everyone needs to stop and think about their purpose in life. If that hasn’t happened yet for you, I sincerely hope that day is near. You will truly be blessed when you understand your mission instead of just trying to survive this existence. All the best to you!

What is Your Origin Story?

By Shazad

What’s Your Origin story?

Look back at your life to see where you came from and how far ahead you are. Study the lives of your parents when you were born and notice what kind of limitations they had in life.

Fast forward to your youth and recall how life was. What were some of your turning points in life? Remember the defining points in your life and what moments made you the person you are today. Be grateful for the challenging times and also the beautiful moments.

Look forward to the future and plot a path to who you will become. Your past does not define your future but it does influence how you think. Your story has many chapters so keep on writing it with your words and actions every day!

You are a hero in the making!

How To Look And Feel Like James Bond

By Ahsan Khan


The name is Bond…James Bond.

The amazing thing about James Bond is his universal appeal across generations. Your grandfather knows him, your father knows him and you know him.

Men have been inspired by his manner, sophistication, and style from the very first movie, with Sean Connery, in Dr. No, to the most recent incarnation, of Daniel Craig, in Casino Royale. His mystique and fearless character appeals to all.

But what is that “je ne sais quois?”

There are two things about the secret agent we know for sure:

1)    He has style.

2)    He would never wear a suit off the rack.

The bespoke suit is a huge part of his image, just like his Aston Martin, his Walther PPK and his legendary style.

So what is the source of his power and charm?

You are free to come up with your answer, mine, however, is his personal tailor.

The original tailor to Sean Connery, was in fact, Anthony Sinclair, at 43 Conduit Street, just off Savile Row. That famous British hub of bespoke tailoring, in Central London, that has for centuries, dressed the likes of Royalty, Celebrities, Rock Stars, Heads of State and those who know that a bespoke tailored suit is a matter of personal style, refinement and getting the very best out of life.

To be your best you need to feel your best. Wearing the right clothes makes this happen each time…every time.

When a gentleman wears a suit, he has that moment when he looks at himself in the mirror and poses, his most serious posture. The opening theme music of James Bond plays in his head…he might even be humming the tune. “Toodoot toodoo toodootoot..”

There is one problem however, for the vast majority of men. They think they look good in their suit but their style can often be compromised by small but significant oversights. This can sometimes happen when you buy a suit from a store, no matter how much you paid for it and how top shelf the designer may be.

The most important element of style when it comes to your clothing is not what brand you wear or what size complements your physique, it’s fit.

Most men wear things that are either a tad too big or a snitch to small. Clothes that fit well, solves 90% of your style dilemma. Your clothes should fit you well.

That’s the secret to looking and feeling like James Bond.

When you wear a suit that is made for you, it not only fits you well, it also enhances your mindset. Your most valuable asset is your mindset!

With the right mindset, you feel more confident, you feel more successful, you look more commanding and you act the part. You become Bond, James Bond.

The bespoke experience is something that all men should consider at least once in their lifetime. Having your suit made personally for you with the right tailor who guides you and creates a master piece that is uniquely fitted to your body and posture is pure ecstasy. 

If you are lucky enough to have a Master Tailor measure you, cut the cloth you chose, design your personal pattern, fit you and sew and finish your masterpiece, you my friend, are part of a rare club. It’s a relationship of trust based on traditional craftsmanship, modern finishing touches and personal guidance.  Most importantly, the result is an expression of your style and high standards.

If you are in the Toronto area, you may like to get in touch with Master Tailor,  Mr. Nino Cioppa, of Moda by Nino and get started: he can be reached at modabynino@gmail.com

or at 416 509-2028.

Don’t overthink this. Invest in yourself.

Meet your Master Tailor and be like Bond.

Are You Living Like a Zoo Animal?

By Ahsan

I remember my first school trip to the zoo. For some reason, the monkeys were most fascinating for me. Perhaps it was because I liked watching the old Tarzan movies and liked how Cheetah was his pet. One thing that stood out in my mind is that I was glad it was the monkeys living behind the caged bars and not me.

 I read somewhere that the first zoos basically put animals in a cage and fed the animals the appropriate food, plants for herbivores and meat for carnivores. Over time, they began to find that this crude set-up led to unhealthy animals. These poor creatures were exhibiting declines in both physical and mental health. They got sick, depressed, anxious, stressed and subsequently, lived short lives.

The smarter zoo-keepers then came up with a better plan, and that was to approximate the natural conditions of the animal living behind the "enclosures." The now roomier confines were adorned with more natural surroundings, cold water and ice for the polar bears and grass, shade and dens for the lions. They made sure there was ample sunlight for the animals and food that the animal would have eaten in the wild. No more monkey-chow and other various pellets.

 An interesting thing happened, the animals were living longer and with less physical and mental short-comings.

The moral of the story is that zoo animals just like human animals will thrive even though they both live in cages! Yes, you heard me, we too live in cages called houses, apartments and office buildings.

Many of us are not any different from those captive zoo animals. We stay indoors too much, are sunlight and sleep deprived, eat processed foods (monkey-chow), don’t hang out with other members of the tribe enough and do not move around like our ancestors of just 100 years ago. On top of it all, we stay in go mode and are stressed to the hilt when we are active. We operate at extremes.

The modern human whether living in Asia, Europe, Africa, or North/South America is not living the way that promotes health. A lot of them are living short lives brought on from poor lifestyle habits.

Many modern humans stay cooped up indoors, don’t exercise, eat junk food, don’t sleep well, live with high stress, are anxious, lonely and depressed. Are you one of them?

If you feel like you might share the same circumstances as a monkey living in a primitive zoo, here is an action plan to consider:

1)    Become aware of your level of health, both mentally and physically.

2)    Educate yourself about the five pillars of total health: Diet, Exercise, Sleep, Stress-Management and Social-Connection.

3)    Assess how you fare on a scale of 1-10 (with 10 being the highest score), on each pillar. Start tuning up for more awesome habits.

4)    Make this year the year of focussing on your Five Pillars of Total Health.

5)    Rest assured that by doing so, you will take on the role of a wise and caring Keeper of your own health.

So, are you living like an animal in a zoo? The curious thing is that these days, many of the animals, it could be argued, are living better than us!

What I wish I knew in my 20’s

By Shazad

I am coming close to 50 trips around the sun and have been thinking a lot more about the quality of life since I become 40.

 In many ways,  I feel just as energetic, excited and happy as I did in my 20’s.  I have seen a lot of struggle and growth in my young adult life and wish I had more self-awareness in my youth to be even further ahead in life today. 

In terms of energy and excitement,  I would tell my younger self that life in the 40s is a lot like 20s but with more wisdom.  I would say to myself to be more patient about acquiring things while also hustling more to learn as much as I can.

I am blessed with good health today, and I credit that to my good habits in my youth.  I would tell my younger self to do more weight-bearing exercises as well as playing a sport each week.  I could have been stronger and faster in my youth and even stronger as a mature adult. I would also tell myself to practice yoga, meditation and deep breathing so I could handle the pressure of early career and adult life in the best ways.

If my 20 something self knew how Awesome Life could be at age 40, I would have built a better physical and mental foundation for success.  I would not have feared to become too old, and I would have realized that adult life is a marathon with many decades of good health, excitement and learning.

What would you tell your younger self if you had the chance?

One Tactic to Turn Your Life Around

By Ahsan

We all know a famous story about a person who sets out on an adventure, falls, and gets back up to claim victory. Can you think of one?

 Not only is this a story of the underdog, but it is also the story of the human spirit. These stories remind us of our own struggles and motivate us to keep going. The quintessential story for young boys and girls during the 1980s was the epic movie, The Karate Kid.

Young Daniel moves to Los Angeles with his mom from New Jersey. He tries to fit in at a new school, gets beat up by bullies and is defeated mentally as well as physically bruised. By chance, he meets Mr. Miyagi, an old Karate Master who teaches Daniel about the great strength that lies within himself. Through physical and mental training, Daniel re-commits to living with dignity, defeats his enemies and wins at the game of life!

 If I were to ask you to re-read the quick synopsis of the Karate Kid above one more time, can you tell me what the one tactic to turn your life around is? Take a moment and see what you come up with? Was it the idea of re-committing? That is what I had in mind. Do you agree? We all set out on adventures and have lofty goals. Some of them we conquer and others we set aside.

 Keep it simple the next time you find yourself battered and bruised. Just re-commit to your goal.

Re-commit and know that you have vast stores of possibility that lie deep within you. Keep repeating the famous movie line, " wax on. wax off.". In other words, keep doing what appears to be simple and mundane but holds within it, the power to propel you to living your most awesome life.



Where is the Love?

By Shazad

One of the strongest emotions humans have is LOVE. I am sure you know all about love and its deeper meanings, or do you? Let’s talk to about where love comes from and the many kinds of love.

Our parents and more specifically, our Mother, is the first person to teach us how to love someone in a pure and honest way. Let’s explore each kind of love and learn how to celebrate more than just romantic love every day of the year.

Start by loving yourself in a kind and grateful way rather than an egotistical or narcissistic way. Really care about your life by living with intention and consideration for yourself.

Next, learn to love “learning” for the joy of understanding something new or trying a new skill. The passionate pursuit of knowledge and wisdom that fulfills us is so vital to our happiness and success in life.

Loving people like you and different from you is also an essential kind of love. The awareness of how many similarities we have with different cultures across the world should inspire love in you. Truly accepting our common humanity and successful co-existence on this planet creates loving and caring communities.

Another kind of essential love is the pursuit of personal development and personal growth. This is a loving journey to becoming the best version of yourself.

Finally, we come to loving life itself and the blessing of being alive to see the wonders of the world. Appreciating the gift of existence and the opportunity to do so much good in life should be like a halo we wear throughout life.

Go beyond the commercialized celebrations of February 14th and express sincere gratitude to those who instructed you on the many kinds of LOVE in the world!

What's your moonshot in life?

By Shazad

“We choose to go to the moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard, because that goal will serve to organize and measure the best of our energies and skills, because that challenge is one that we are willing to accept, one we are unwilling to postpone, and one which we intend to win.” John F. Kennedy (September 1962)

A “moonshot” is defined as something big or very challenging. It may be something almost impossible to achieve or never done before. In the early 1960’s, the USA committed, through president JFK, to literally send a man to the moon and bring him back safely before the end of the decade. This was achieved as a historic moment in the history of America and humanity as a whole.

Whether you are an organization, a country or an individual, you have the ability to create at least one moonshot goal in this life. It may take you years to achieve or even an entire lifetime but it’s something you commit to and work on continuously until it is achieved. Your ultimate success is the greatest reward but the process of working on a moonshot is also very rewarding and can lead to successful milestones that transform you for the better just like the 1960’s Moonshot program accelerated the scientific and technological progress in America that is still driving innovation today!

Your personal moonshot will require a lot of your energy, focus and dedication to complete and you will literally be changed by the whole process. Everyone will have their own challenges and obstacles in life which means everyone has the opportunity to create and work towards at lest one personal moonshot. Some examples could be achieving a Masters of Business Administration (MBA) degree, writing a best selling book, climbing Mount Everest, building housing for everyone in a given city or simply transforming your body from overweight to extremely fit and strong for the rest of your life.

Decide on what your moonshot is and truly go for it. To qualify as a moonshot, it should make you uncomfortable and somewhat intimidated. Once you achieve it, start on your moonshot #2 and so on. How many moonshots can you rack up before you make your final “exit” from planet earth? 

The key to your moonshot in life is to gather your energies and skills; accept the challenge; be unwilling to postpone it and be intent on succeeding!


  1. Write out some challenging and long term projects you consider to be moonshots worth pursuing. What is your most compelling moonshot idea? WHY do you want to achieve it? WHEN do you want to achieve this goal? How will it make you feel?

  2. Find a person who has already achieved the same goal or is working on the same project and learn as much as you can from them. What lessons have they learned? What roadblocks did they run into and how did they overcome them?

  3. Create your detailed plan of what you will do each week to move you closer to your moonshot goal. Decide what you will give up so that you have the time, energy and resources needed and don’t get distracted or burnt out by pursuing too many things at once.

Here Is What May Be Missing From Your Gratitude Exercise

By Ahsan
When I think of gratitude, I think of the little and big things of life that make me happy. How about you?

If we consider the quotes below, you will see two perspectives on gratitude that are undeniably evident:

“He is a wise man who does not grieve for the things which he has not, but rejoices for those which he has." ⎯Epictetus, Greek Stoic Philosopher

“When I started counting my blessings, my whole life turned around.” —Willie Nelson, Country Music Legend

Epictetus reminds us that we should be grateful for what we have and not lament what we don’t have.

Willie reminds us to count our blessings.

Both of these quotes can help us to capture a greater sense of happiness and contentment in life. After all, life is not a 24/7 banquet, sometimes you get lemons and other times you get lemon-aide.

If we follow the advice of these two sages, we might focus on having greater awareness and be more likely to notice things. For example: having a job is better than being unemployed and having clean water to drink is a blessing. These realizations are essential, however, sometimes they only provide temporary and short-lived bliss.

What is missing if gratitude is the attitude that determines your altitude of feeling happy and content?

At the heart of any state of gratitude is not only being aware of your blessings but being thankful for them. Typically, when we are grateful for something, we are thankful to someone. For example, the person that hired you as in the case of your job or the intelligent person that invented water purification for the clean and safe drinking water.

Why not think about who you are grateful to and include them in your gratitude practice?

If you are a spiritual person, you might like to also do the following:

  1. Make a list of the things you enjoy.

  2. Thank God for providing them to you.

  3. Go inward via prayer or meditation and thank the Source of your blessings.

  4. Pray or meditate daily and when you are done asking for more grace, consciously think of the things that make you happy and thank your God for giving you what you enjoy.

In other words, just being thankful for what you have and counting your blessings may not bring you intense happiness and contentment that is lasting. Thanking the Source is the missing piece of the gratitude puzzle.

Just as you are thankful to someone who opens a door for you or quenches your thirst on a hot day, take time to go inward and thank the Source who gave you what you have.

Be blessed and blissed!

Why You Need Encouragement To Succeed In Life

By Ahsan

Have you ever considered giving up on your dreams? Perhaps it was a goal or an idea that you pursued for days or even years.  You were fired up, but then because of some difficulties or dwindling courage, you decided to shelve it forever.

Consider the time of year we are in. It's January, the critical month of New Year resolutions. Are you fearlessly pursuing the goals that you so bravely resolved to accomplish?

On the other hand, have you ever powered onward in the midst of doubt or flagging courage and were glad you never gave up? What happened at the moment you considered giving up but decided not to? Take a moment to think if you will.

Whenever I have faced this situation, I thought genuinely about the cost to me of not going for my dream and encouraged myself with some positive thinking and prayer. In other words, I was able to fill myself with courage, get it? I encouraged myself.

In life, you need to do this, that is, be your own cheerleader!

However, there is another more effective method.

This secret can make all the difference in the world.

It will have two effects: one is the achievement of your goals and second, an elevation in your mood and outlook on life.

The secret is having someone whom you care about, encourage you. This my friend, can mean the difference between succeeding in life and giving up on your dreams. Having a spouse or friend or colleague fill you with courage will quadruple your success in life.

If you go by the dictionary definition of encourage, you will find it says: to make (someone) more determined, hopeful, or confident.

We all need this, don't we? More determination and a greater sense of hope and confidence! This is a gift of immeasurable value.

So now you know the secret and here is what you need to do with it:

Step One: Write down your major goals for 2019  all over again for clarity sake.

Step Two: Make a list of your “encouragers” and let them know you appreciate them and need them to cheer you on.

Step Three: Get on someone else's list of "encouragers." Help others by filling them with courage, hope, determination, and confidence.  

Good luck to you in 2019. I know you can do it. You are smart and talented and brave enough to make things happen!

Your Identity and Lasting Happiness

By Shazad

Who AM I? I used to wonder about this question a lot until recent years. I finally have some clear thoughts to share on the concept of personal identity. You are NOT your job or education or your stuff such as houses, cars, clothes, etc. They are all parts of your life. Your relationship with each of these and people at different stages of life, are what make up your identity.   

What you do in different parts of your life are just like stations or ports you are visiting on a journey.  What comes after formal education is usually working life and building a family. What happens after full-time work or leading a business is up to you to define.  Some call this phase “retirement” while others see it as just another long and exciting journey to start using all the knowledge and experience gained from the past journeys. I found that the more I keep learning and challenging myself, the more my identity is revealed to me. This happens all the time and needs to continue when we retire as well because our minds are capable of continuous growth past the age we decide we longer want to work full-time. I’ve also seen many successful transitions into retirement through volunteering efforts and stronger community involvement. The skills a person has developed over the decades during their working life can still be practiced in these new settings.

The good relationships, routines and values we have developed are the most important parts of our identity.  Let’s make the best of where we are and prepare for whatever’s next by keeping focus on what really matters at each stage of life. Keep pushing yourself to have a growth mindset all throughout life because your identity is not fixed to a place, time or your assets.


  1. If you haven’t already retired from work, imagine that it is about to happen next week. What do you think it will be like?

  2. What do you plan to do in order to be challenged through retirement?

  3. What skills and experiences do you want to have by the time you retire? What are you doing about that today?