By Ahsan Khan
Here is the best reminder for taking your health seriously:
Sooner or later your health will become your number one priority!
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the number one killer of people in the USA is a heart attack.
Some of the millions that experience heart attacks never get the chance to change their ways – because they die.
We all know someone who has died of a heart attack. Given that it is the most common killer, perhaps we should educate ourselves on how to prevent one in the first place.
You may think that this short article will lay out the method. It will in one sense by bringing into focus something that may be overlooked in your life. I will get to that shortly.
In the meantime, I challenge you to think about where you are now in your health and lifestyle habits. Knowing this will make a difference in how long you live and how much life you have in your years.
Educate yourself about good heart health and remarkable health in general. One thing is for sure, robust health is not based on any one factor like diet, exercise, taking supplements or genetics. It is multi-factorial. How’s that for a fancy word?
Take some initiative and learn what you can to live a long life! This will give you time to develop your most awesome self.
Coming back to the heart health concept, most of us are unaware of what causes good heart health. Is it exercise? Is it diet? What about laughter? Or a sense of contribution to others?
Let’s focus on what most people think of when they think of heart health-cholesterol. This may or may not be the critical determinant of heart disease, and the experts are not totally in agreement on its mechanisms. Hint: sugar may be a more sinister culprit. Look that up when you have a moment!
If you are really keen, please check out this movie on Youtube: Widow Maker commissioned by an Irish Businessman and Philanthropist, Mr. David Bobbet
(This movie will reveal to you a little known, non-invasive test that can show how much heart disease is present. Wouldn’t you want to know that if you could? What course corrections would you make?)
So, if cholesterol is the usual suspect, what may be more surprising to regular people like you and me, is the role of adrenaline and cortisol (read: stress hormones).
A person with no blocked arteries can also die of a heart attack caused by stress!
What? Is that true, you say?
How then do we keep stress down in the face of a 24/7 stress lifestyle?
Life is full of stress, both positive and negative. So how does one manage it, let alone overcome it? If this can be achieved, can a more extended life be assured and a needless heart attack avoided?
What else can a person add to their health regimen? Allow me to make a suggestion, here is what may be overlooked: advice found in The Holy Quran, Chapter 13, verse 29
‘Those who believe, and whose hearts find comfort in the remembrance of Allah. Aye! It is in the remembrance of Allah that hearts can find comfort;
Here may be the one missing key to a long and healthy life. Only in the remembrance of God do hearts find peace. Happy heart=Long life.
It is Allah (God), who fills the heart with joy. If you take this from a spiritual perspective, you can really profit from this phenomenon.
Joy and relaxation, interpreting life with a hopeful outlook, being content and confident, allowing for Grace to fill your days can, in my estimation be all the difference in the world between ok health and Awesome Health!
Do what you can to be the recipient of this gift. In addition to eating well, moving more, sleeping soundly, meditating and keeping an attitude of gratitude, we need to tap into the Source of joy.
Tap into the Source of happiness! Why not make this a focus of your life, to live a longer life!
The transmission of peace, contentment and tranquillity is a gift from the Creator. It cannot be forced with incantations, long meditations or even rhythmic movements. It is a gift to one who strives to be worthy and deserving. Be good already, ok!
Belief in the Unseen Creator is vital. You may be Muslim, or Hindu, or Jewish or Christian or of another faith, the bottom line is giving this angle a try. Tranquillity and peace that comes from your worship and remembrance of your Creator and all His favours upon you, may be the magic pill that you need most.
A person whose heart is filled with joy is the person who might live the longest.
The heart that is filled with joy experiences more patience and forbearance in the face of life's challenges. You become strong both mentally and physically. Cheerfulness is the Queen of virtues. No material acquisition or vacation to a tropical island can do this in the same way.
To live long and have a healthy heart, you can go about it like the masses, or you can add this one additional admonition.
Take care of your heart with God’s help!