by Shazad
Any significant work we do in short run or the long run has a prize at the end. This is the goal or achievement we are after and we need to keep in front of us at all times during the process.
Use the prize to motivate you during the process. This is especially necessary when the process is hard and it will be at times. The process could be short and painful or very long and full of twists and turns before you get even close to the prize at the end.
It’s important to take each step of the process with care and consideration while not losing site of the goal. Embrace and even enjoy the process so you can offer you best at that moment.
Sometimes it’s more important to go through the process and become a better person, a more aware person or realize how rewarding the journey can be. You may find the achievement of the goal or prize at the end to be anti-climactic compared to all the personal development that happened along the way. Don’t stop now…you are about to become something better along this long journey called life.