What's the BEST that could happen?

By Shazad

Many times in life we ask ourselves questions like, “What will happen if I do this?” or “What will people say?”

I challenge you all to ask another kind of question whenever you are thinking about personal change or other big decision in life. Ask yourself, “What’s the Best that could happen if I do this?”. Go deep into all the benefits and all the feelings of what it’s going to be like to achieve your goal. Look at all the positive benefits of how it will change your life from personal and professional point of view.

As a counter point, ask yourself another useful question. “What’s the worst that will happen if I DONT DO This?” List all the things that you will be denying yourself and all the ways you may be stuck in a situation or problem. When you do this exercise with honesty and detailed clarity of the outcomes, you will have the right motivation to move forward and keep moving forward to the completion of your task.

Good Luck and Live Awesome!