By Ahsan
Have you ever considered giving up on your dreams? Perhaps it was a goal or an idea that you pursued for days or even years. You were fired up, but then because of some difficulties or dwindling courage, you decided to shelve it forever.
Consider the time of year we are in. It's January, the critical month of New Year resolutions. Are you fearlessly pursuing the goals that you so bravely resolved to accomplish?
On the other hand, have you ever powered onward in the midst of doubt or flagging courage and were glad you never gave up? What happened at the moment you considered giving up but decided not to? Take a moment to think if you will.
Whenever I have faced this situation, I thought genuinely about the cost to me of not going for my dream and encouraged myself with some positive thinking and prayer. In other words, I was able to fill myself with courage, get it? I encouraged myself.
In life, you need to do this, that is, be your own cheerleader!
However, there is another more effective method.
This secret can make all the difference in the world.
It will have two effects: one is the achievement of your goals and second, an elevation in your mood and outlook on life.
The secret is having someone whom you care about, encourage you. This my friend, can mean the difference between succeeding in life and giving up on your dreams. Having a spouse or friend or colleague fill you with courage will quadruple your success in life.
If you go by the dictionary definition of encourage, you will find it says: to make (someone) more determined, hopeful, or confident.
We all need this, don't we? More determination and a greater sense of hope and confidence! This is a gift of immeasurable value.
So now you know the secret and here is what you need to do with it:
Step One: Write down your major goals for 2019 all over again for clarity sake.
Step Two: Make a list of your “encouragers” and let them know you appreciate them and need them to cheer you on.
Step Three: Get on someone else's list of "encouragers." Help others by filling them with courage, hope, determination, and confidence.
Good luck to you in 2019. I know you can do it. You are smart and talented and brave enough to make things happen!