It's all about Human Transformation

By Shazad

Many people have asked what is the purpose of life and why are we here. Various ideologies, philosophies and points of view exist to attempt to answer this kind of fundamental question of human existence. Some of these are very similar to each other while some are polar opposites and depend on the questioner’s belief in religion, an afterlife, freedom of choice and a variety of other things.

In the end, it is the individual that must come up with the best answer for themselves based on their life experiences and understanding of the world. I will offer my point of view for consideration that I believe everyone can appreciate. We are all here to improve ourselves and each other, every day. Once we know better, we should do better than yesterday. Empathy, self awareness and gratitude are fundamental to this concept which I’m calling human transformation. Knowing that you can improve and making it a mission in life to do so, will be the most important motivation you need. The satisfaction of constantly levelling up to the next best version of yourself is the ultimate prize on this grand journey called life. So, where are you on this journey?