By Ahsan
When you wake up in the morning, do you feel like you can conquer the day regardless of what it brings or do you hope things go well and cross your fingers?
Perhaps like many of us, you are just happy if things stay status quo and nothing rocks the boat.
Aaah. If life could only be a smooth ride and not challenge our inner resolve to stay positive, productive and pragmatic.
But then, out of the blue, comes something that does rock the boat and makes us feel unsettled.
Times like this are when you might find solace in prayer or just remind yourself: "I never lose. Either I win or learn." according to Nelson Mandela. Alexander the Great rightly noted, “There is nothing impossible to him who will try."
The secret does lie in giving yourself a pep talk, but it might be beneficial for you to take the following suggestion to heart and apply it to your mind.
Here is the secret to winning at life, regardless of what or who is not going your way:
You need to take control of your mind or else resign to let your mind control you!
The late and great Mr. Steve Jobs said something to this effect.
If you take this message to heart, you should have several insights about how taking control of your mind is foundational to living each day with more wins and less stress about your stress.
So, controlling your mind will result in many advantages and insights. If you please, you could add at least 5 or more that come to you.
What your mind thinks about a situation or person is how you feel about it.
Realizing that you are aware of your thoughts can loosen the grip of your thinking.
Your feelings change when your thoughts about that situation or person change. New thought⎯new feeling!
Controlling your mind and thinking will bring you more ease and peace internally.
You won’t get tangled in your thoughts.
You will start to see your mind as an ally that sometimes gets distracted with its own process of jumping around like a monkey.
You will start to find your inner wisdom and trust it more.
You will become attuned to your intuition/wisdom and start rejecting negative thoughts and habitual negative patterns.
You will become more spiritual and trust in the Creator more.
You will be a source of healing to others.
No one says this is easy or will be an overnight process, but when change comes, it really does come with the evolution of one thought or one insight.
You and I must resolve to control our minds or resign to the fact that our minds will control us.
If you want to win at the game of life and want to be the best you can be to enjoy this gift of living, then control your mind.
I can’t agree more with Steve, how about you?
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