By Ahsan
“What makes things memorable is that they are meaningful, significant, colorful.”
Joshua Foer
We all need food, shelter, and clothing to live and survive when it comes to our basic needs. However, there is another crucial thing that we also need to live a whole and healthy life: real connections with other humans.
I am talking about the physical, emotional, and loving connections we get from our parents as children from the time we are born and from the various people we care about and who care about us till the time we leave this world.
Interesting studies show that we do not thrive physically or emotionally without this dimension of connection to others.
So having established this point of needing good connections with others, how can you add to your circle of love so that the relationships are unforgettable and cause others to really, really like you?
Here are a few ideas that should be considered:
Notice kindness and repay it. When others do nice things for you, please don't take it for granted and don't delay in doing something nice back. Ungrateful people will not get the advantages that grateful people enjoy—genuine relationships with others feed the soul. And make a life that is more enjoyable in every sense.
Also very important is to think more about others and not yourself. Stay out of your “me and my world” focus. Instead, try to see what is happening to others in their world. Especially the people you live with, co-workers, and your closest friends. Over the last two years, many of us have lost contact with many people that we would otherwise not have. So be in touch, and make up for the lost time by reminding yourself to offer kind and supportive words or even lend an ear or smile.
Consider this too: Your reputation is your brand. Your lasting legacy and immediate “unforgettableness” is based on who you are. So, just like Nike and Coca-Cola, you too have a brand.
Are you becoming the best you can be? Are you refreshing to others around you?
Here are a few pointers on building your brand. First, remember your manners: say please and thank you. Do what you say you will. As Vito Corleone said, never forget a favour. Complement people you meet. As Dale Carnegie suggested, ask folks about what they like and get them to talk about it. Most importantly, always be honest, speak the truth and be diplomatic, not prickly or too blunt. Be kind, be helpful and remember to add value to people's lives.
As much as others need us, we need them. But unfortunately, life is not a walk in the park. We all have "stuff" we deal with daily, and some of it is "unpleasant." But, when you do some of the things mentioned, you become unforgettable and well-liked because people always need a ray of sunshine in their day to overcome the occasional clouds.
You could sum it up as being more aware of others, getting out of your head, and being someone of service that consistently demonstrates moral integrity.
All the basic principles that our parents tried to teach us so we can have an Awesome Life!
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