By Ahsan
In the eyes of a child, their parents are everything; they clothe them, feed them, give them a safe place to sleep, and teach them the things they need to know so they can navigate life.
In other words, what we teach our children is super important to how they will experience life and handle it. It's true; knowledge is power.
Teaching powerful knowledge to your children as they go through their formative periods should prepare them to be the best they can be.
And here is how “best they can be” is defined: a person who enjoys their life and can help others enjoy theirs.
Enjoying life is not about laughing every moment or denying emotions from difficult life experiences. Instead, enjoying life is about taking in the whole of life's ups and downs so that you gracefully flow with it like the water of a river flows into the sea.
Here are a few things that can be very important to know early in life so that you have a great life as a well-adjusted and happy human being:
Trust in the Lord: Someone put us on this planet. The planet works fine. The dead grass comes to life every spring. Every spring. The birds leave their nests hungry each morning and find sustenance. Your heart beats, and your pancreas secretes the right amount of insulin without you influencing these things.
In other words, the Creator provides for our sustenance according to intelligent design. Therefore, we need not worry too much about anything. All we need to do is have a bit of faith that some things are beyond our control and that we should try our best and leave the results and outcomes to reveal themselves.
How to think. Not just thinking logically or critically but also understanding how thinking dictates how you feel. If you look into where your feelings come from, most people will describe the source to be outside themselves and point to people or situations that influence how they feel in the moment. While this may seem obvious, the truth is that one’s thinking is the actual source. Thinking about what someone did or how a situation unfolds is the cause of your feelings about it. We feel our experience of life, and our thinking is the generator of our feelings. Feel good and enjoy your life. The opposite is also true.
You are feeling your thinking, and children need to know this.
That life is hard. We have to strive and work in life with no guarantees of success. Our best-laid plans can and do not always work out sometimes. So, you can either react negatively to this or, roll with it and adapt. Expect things to be challenging, so you are not surprised when things get tough or you experience hurdles. Let your child know that if you have any goal, you can expect difficulties along the way. The key is to use your physical and mental powers to carry on as best you can.
That you are here today but will be gone someday. We are on the planet for a limited time. If we understand this, we might look to each day and appreciate the little things, the big things and everything in between. Plus, we would insist on making every day as happy and beneficial as possible by enjoying it personally and with others. Life is too short to waste on useless things, people or situations. So, find your happiness in life and guard it with your life.
Discover your true self to find your purpose in life. Too many people live a life expected of them, not the one they would have chosen. I am not talking about choosing the right profession but rather knowing yourself, your likes, dislikes, habits, personality, what motivates you, and your philosophy of living that brings your mental peace and rejuvenation.
The essence of this message is that children look up to their parents for lessons and guidance, and what they learn early on impacts the quality and experience of life.
We learn from experience, but certain things we could learn from parents. What we learn at the right time in childhood could improve our lives.
Life is too precious and short to live without the feelings of contentment, achievement, purpose, and alignment of our values and happiness.
What are some other lessons a parent should teach their child so they live an Awesome Life?
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