Make a Statement with your LIFE

By Shazad

Whether you know it or not, you are making a statement every single day. The things you do, say, wear and express online are speaking volumes about you. Why not be proactive and intentional about the statement your life is making? The word LIFE can represent some core statements about what you want to communicate. For example, L=Love. I=Integrity, F=Fitness. E=Empathy. Make your own LIFE statement clear and consistent.

Tell the world what you like and better yet, what you love! Express yourself in genuine ways every day whether through verbal or written methods. Move with humility and purpose when you go about your day. Show everyone what matters to you and what you believe in. Take time out of your busy life to give a part of yourself to the people and causes you claim are important to you. Let’s stop paying lip service to things like family, neighbours and the environment. Let’s actually do the hard work of making an intentional statement every day that speaks for itself. This is how we live a genuine and fulfilling life.

What statement will you make with your LIFE?