I Wish Someone Told me...

By Shazad

Ever since I reached my 40’s I realized so many things I thought were true or ‘normal’ back in my 20’s were wrong. Here’s a list of things I wish someone had told me back then that I believe many people will agree with or at least start to consider.

I wish someone told me that this life is a marathon and not a sprint. We need to pace ourselves and build strength as well as endurance in youth to be able to keep going the distance later in life. Health is the most important thing all through life but it’s especially true as we age.

I wish someone told me that all the ‘flexing’ and showing off too much in youth is a waste of time and resources. Spending money we don’t have to impress people we don’t know or even like, is destructive and pointless. The people who really care about us don’t need to be impressed by fancy things. No one in their 20’s should be buying new cars or expensive toys/clothes of any kind. All the time in youth should be spent in building experience, skills and having minimal or no debt of any kind.

I wish someone told me that too much comfort and ease is destructive. Youth should be spent on being uncomfortable on regular basis to make sure we don’t get too comfortable. Weight gain, depression and lack of motivation in life is an outcome of being too comfortable. We all need to be hungry in youth and be driven which means not having everything we wanted to have. Struggle in youth to have a better life in later years.

I wish someone told me that being a healthy 40-something is like being like in your 20’s but with more life experience and some wisdom. Being patient enough to buy certain ‘luxury’ items once you are established in your 40’s is a lot more fulfilling than rushing to buy them in youth when you can’t really afford them. When you work hard and take care of your responsibilities first, the fancy things in life feel like you have earned them.

I wish someone told me that my parents don’t owe me any inheritance or property while they are alive or after they have passed away. I should have no expectations of any material gain from my parents and neither should anyone else. Parents have a responsibility to provide some food, shelter, clothes and love to their kids. They also have a duty to provide education and motivation for personal development. We each have to figure out how to get higher education and build assets we need based on our own intelligence and hard work. Parents are not responsible for paying for everything.

I wish someone told me that that my opinion of myself is what really matters. The opinions of others can be positive but is usually negative and based on their own personal weaknesses or biases. What I think of myself is the most important. I need to like myself and take care of my own mental well being because no one else knows me better than I know myself. The voice in my head is the one that matters the most to me.

I wish someone told me that the more freedom I have in life, the more responsibility I have. Self Discipline is true freedom in life. We will never have freedom from responsibilities and that’s ok. The idea is to be a more responsible person as we mature and have self control.

I wish someone told me that true satisfaction in life comes from serving others. Simply focusing on my own happiness and desires is not fulfilling in the long run. Everyone important in your life is part of your personal fulfillment in life. By helping other people you care about, you become a better human being and that leads to true satisfaction in life. We exist to work together and help each other which is How We All WIN in Life.

What do you wish someone told you when you were younger?