Two Tips To Unlock Success In Your Career

By Ahsan

Let’s make this quick. You and I both need real and applicable ideas so we can be our best. At work or otherwise, please consider these two gems:

1.Time Warp: In doing a project, we often have a deadline. However, we often procrastinate. Yet, when the deadline approaches, we put on the turbo engine and do incredible amounts of work. The feeling is exhilarating, but the result is less than what it could be. The solution? Start by putting the deadline feeling at the start of the project. Work like crazy up front and then have several days to do the real polishing. This way, your result is more amazing because it is not a rush job.

2. Focus Work: Try to sit with your task and shut out the world. If you work on something for 30 minutes without interruption from phone calls, emails, or chatty colleagues, you will produce more results in less time. We all actually do only a few hours of work in an entire 8-hour workday. Get honest with yourself.


Flip the deadline around to the start of your projects!

When you work, do the work with laser focus, for at least 30 minutes!

Action Steps:

a) Put this note somewhere where you can see it.

b) Implement the 2 Tips every day.

c) Set up a three-week challenge to stick to the new methods described.

d) If it works for you, keep doing it.