By Shazad
Apple, Disney and Starbucks have one. Canada and various countries have their own brands as do individuals like athletes and celebrities. Every successful product, service, person or nation was built around a brand. All have shaped their image into a brand that they intentionally work on. You also need to develop your brand whether you work in a job or your own business. You are creating a public image whether you realize it or not. People around you are watching and making judgement about you all the time. They are estimating what you believe and what you stand for so why not actively create your brand instead of leaving it up to others to guess?
It starts with your daily habits and the quality of work you do. You will become known for the outcomes you produce but also the way you handle the process of getting things done. How you treat people around you and what your relationship is with management all define your brand. What you say when relaxed and also under pressure is what people will remember so be mindful of your behaviour. Self awareness and being honest with yourself is key.
The best way to be understood and have a clear message about what you stand for is to actively work on this. It will never be perfect but it will be something that you can start from as a foundation. Do you want to be known as a punctual, hard working and cheerful man? Become that way every day so it's what everyone sees about you. Would you like to be recognized as a life-long learner who is also a good listener and takes care of her health? Become that person and it will be your brand. Do the things that you want to define you and they become parts of your brand.
Don't leave it up to others to define you or misunderstand what you are about. Be consistent with your beliefs and your actions so they match. Take hold of your personal brand today and share it with the world. Make it Awesome!