What Should You Do If You Fail A Test?

By Ahsan

Little Johnny is sitting at his desk writing a test. His test is a straight forward spelling test. He needs to spell 20 words related to his recent study unit on government.

The test comes back and out of the 20 words, he ends up getting seven right and thirteen wrong. He goes home with his head down and shows the piece of paper to his mother. She remarks, “hey Johnny, you got seven right, look at what you can do, all you need to do now is go and work on those other thirteen”.

The moral of the story is that most people focus on what they cannot do and what they haven’t achieved. This type of approach to life cannot lead to success and happiness. A more empowering and effective way to approach things is to become focussed on what you can do and work on the things you need to do.

Some people become deflated when they fail a test or don’t get something they want in life. Some people become deflated and defeated! How unfortunate is a setback that becomes a shattered self-image?
If you think about things like Johnny’s mother does, how much better would your life be? Could you be more successful and happy?