By Shazad
"Don't GO through life, GROW through life."
Eric Butterworth
“There will come a time when you believe everything is finished. That will be the beginning.”
Louis L'Amour
It's that time of year again! School's out! No more classes, teachers, or books for most students, from elementary school to university. It's all done, and it's time to enjoy summer vacation! Soon, all the school years will pass us by as we finish our diploma or master's degree. Maybe you'll go for a Ph.D. or two? And then you're done, right? It's over! Or is it? It can be much later for some people to figure out the basics of actually living a good life even if they have achieved a PhD by the time they are 25. What’s going on here?!
The truth is that formal education at the primary, secondary, or higher levels is just the beginning. We acquire basic tools and develop good habits to learn academic material, socialize, debate facts, and solve known problems. The Art of Living is truly mastered when we encounter unfamiliar obstacles, experience stress in ways we hadn't imagined, and face situations where the answers are not readily available in the back of the book or the teacher’s special notes.
Life occurs between school hours and after we graduate from the esteemed institution, whether we are dressed in our finest clothes or graduation attire. This post-education period is when we can put into practice what we have learned. We showcase to both ourselves and the world what it means to accomplish tasks without the pressure of pop quizzes and routine homework assignments.
The SHIFT hits the fan because we change into a more advanced routine that is going faster than school and that may not have fixed hours to be taking attendance or raising our hand to answer questions. We have to design our lives for a new reality and find ways to manage our time on our own. We get to figure out which books or articles we want to read and what thoughts we want to write in our free time - as limited as that may be.
It’s glorious and scary at the same time. It’s what we always said we wanted and sometimes a bit stressful because we get the full taste of what we asked for! It’s ultimately worth it because this is our time and the best time to Live Awesome!
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