By Ahsan
I came across a quote by Franz Kafka, a novelist who said,
“The meaning of life is that it ends.”
I thought the quote reminded me to live life to the fullest, which certainly resonates with me. Others feel that this was Kafka’s meaning for his statement.
However, after googling, I discovered that he felt that life was absurd and meaningless.
That got me thinking. Is he right?
Let me add to this thinking about life.
“Life is meaningless, absurd, and random or it can be purposeful, adventurous, and magical; take your pick.”⎯Ahsan
I'll be the first to agree that some days seem like a repeat of the last, and boredom can set in. But does that mean life is meaningless or absurd?
Other days are surprisingly fulfilling and leave you with a sense of wonder and gratitude for getting to be alive one more day.
So who and what is responsible for making life magical and magnificent or miserable and meaningless?
Start by looking at the person in the mirror.
Life is what you make it and, more accurately, what you think of it.
We experience life as we think about our circumstances and what is happening to us. When we think well of someone, we feel love or kinship with that person. We feel irritated when we think negatively about a situation like being stuck in traffic. What we think we experience.
So, dear friend, please try to think yourself into a great experience of life.
That’s it. That’s all.
Life is what you think of it, and I have a sneaky suspicion that those who think life is magical are doing life much better than those who knowingly or unwittingly pontificate that life is meaningless.
So get off the path that leads to meaningless absurdity and stay on the track of purpose and magicalization.
I will try my best too. Have a magical week.
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