By Ahsan
Have you ever taken an evening stroll down a dimly lit street while on vacation? Do you recall being just a little bit more aware of your surroundings? Did you notice things more acutely with your eyes and ears and your sixth sense to feel alert? Was it an effort, or was it more turning on your awareness?
We all have a gift of awareness, especially self-awareness or conscious awareness. It is helpful for a journey on a dark street and also important to living an awesome life.
What you are aware of, you are in control of; what you are not aware of is in control of you⎯Anthony de Mello
Awareness is a faculty of being human. As far as we know, all humans have awareness but do they use it as an occasional flashlight or a floodlight? I propose that having expansive awareness is beneficial to your life.
You are always a servant to what you are not aware of. Once you are aware of something, you are not affected by it in the same way.
The more you observe yourself and watch yourself in the sense of awareness, the more you will succeed in life.
There are two critical areas to become more aware of your habits and your thinking.
Become Aware Of Your Habits
You might agree that good habits are the difference between success and failure in any goal you set for yourself, be that for health, career, finances or learning. We need to eat the right food for our body, focus on results at work, spend wisely and invest for our future, and set aside focused time to learn a new skill. If we are "un-Aware," we will likely develop chronic illnesses, never get promoted, retire poor and stay at the white belt level of life when we could have become black belts over time!
Be Aware Of Your Thinking
What you think is what you feel. What you feel is the reality of your life. Thinking into success and thinking into a good experience of life is a little-known principle of living. Positive thinking is good, and so are ideas like reframing so you see things more positively, but they are not explaining the subtle but constant relationship of thinking to feeling. Most people are convinced their feelings are generated by the circumstances or people around them. When the sun is out, and your best friend behaves in a way that pleases you⎯life is grand. When it's grey outside and your best friend is in a mood⎯your mood is off. Well, this is not the source if you think about it. It is your thinking about how much you like the sunny day and how much you like your friend’s amiable mood that is the actual source of your feelings. So be aware of your thinking.
By becoming aware of your habits and your thinking, you might find life going very well for you.
You might feel more at ease with things in general because you are not reacting to them. Instead, you are watching yourself as if you are an audience member watching you on the stage of life. Observe yourself with your innate gift of awareness and see what magic transpires in all aspects of your life. Awareness. Awareness. Awareness. It’s worth paying attention to!
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