By Shazad
“Few people have any next, they live from hand to mouth without a plan, and are always at the end of their line.”
Ralph Waldo Emerson -poet and essayist
The last 2+ years have been an extraordinary test with more uncertainty on the horizon. We’ve seen people fall apart but we’ve also seen entire communities and nations come together in strength and cooperation that inspired others to do the same. What happens next is unknowable but still worth preparing for. How can you do this? I offer some thoughts that help me work through the current challenges.
The first step is to figure out where you stand today in terms of health, satisfaction, mindset, and finances. How are your relationships and what are your goals for the future? Has anything changed or accelerated as a result of the global pandemic? What have you had to put on the sideline for now? Take a complete audit of your situation and mindset in the present moment.
The next step is to figure out how you can improve one or more areas of your life each month. Pick one or two aspects of your life and determine what the immediate next step is to make your situation better in some meaningful way. Keep doing this every month from now on until you are satisfied with each aspect of your life. Just remember that some things like relationships and health will never be ‘fixed’ or done with so they will be open loops that you can always develop more success in with consistent effort even if it’s small amounts of energy required.
The third important step is to take a step back and develop a perspective on where you want to end up once things have settled down. How do you want to come out of this experience and what do you want to become? Every major moment in history has some lessons for us and transforms us in one or more ways. What do you think your transformation is or needs to be when you feel you have come out the other side? We are all changed by life’s experiences as we age and some dramatic events in our lives cause even faster changes as well and have a rapid aging effect on some.
It’s not going to necessarily get easier and there are probably more epic events on the way -Be prepared! What story will your face tell and what narrative will you pass on to the younger generations about how you not only endured but learned to thrive in these revolutionary times? I hope the book of your life is full of emotional stories that highlight your courage, vulnerability, strength, and your commitment to keep moving forward.
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