By Shazad
“It is not the man who has too little, but the man who craves more,
that is poor.”
Everywhere I turn I keep seeing the toxic pursuit of MORE for the sake of having more. The constant lust for riches, fame and unlimited time is poisoning the human experience in my opinion. Everyone from celebrities and influencers to the college student next door is trying to cash in on quick money making schemes and hacks to encourage their audience to want more things. It’s driven by envy and greed and it isn’t making society happier so we must change things!
Wanting some things is natural and part of human existence. When we constantly want more such as luxury goods and properties, as well as unlimited time to travel or eat, we lose our perspective on life. We forget we are here for a finite time and to help each other. Everyone from the past who tried to just keep accumulating riches was not happy in the end. It’s a trap that keeps us enslaved to our passions and money.
These are some Tips to get out of the race for more shiny new things:
Look at your own life and make a list of what you truly want right now. How much of that list is necessary and how much of it is driven by envy at what others have or, the social conditioning telling you what you should want? Stop and think for yourself to catch any outside influences tricking you into their revenue generating schemes.
Remember a time when you had less and how you felt. How happy were you and how complicated was your life in terms of paying the bills, relaxing and the time you spent enjoying what you had? Now that you have more things, are you truly happier and do you really have more time or wellbeing?
Look towards the future and estimate what your minimum future needs will be to enjoy the life you expect to be living 10+ years from now. What is the least amount of things you need to have to have an enjoyable future based on the way you want to live?
Cut out all the excess in your life such as subscriptions you don’t use, clothes you don’t wear and media you shouldn’t be watching. Just by reducing this junk, you will have more time and feel better. You will also eliminate the need to compare and desire new things so often.
The desire to have some good things is a normal part of human existence. We all like nice things and that’s ok. What’s not ok is being unhappy all the time because we don’t have the latest, the shines, the largest, or the ‘best’ things in the world. Most of the world doesn’t have those things either and probably never will. The goal should be to BECOME the best person without those things and live the best possible life not desiring so many things. That comes by understanding what is Enough for you and what makes you happy as well as the reasons why. I hope you develop a healthy relationship with things and remember that the right people in your life are the ones that should be the most important ‘things’ you should be seeking. The rest is just decoration and clutter after a certain level of items.
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