By Shazad
“When you arise in the morning, think of what a precious privilege it is to be alive –
to breathe, to think, to enjoy, to love.”
Marcus Aurelius
Everyone seems to be looking for a silver bullet or hack to improve their lives. Maybe it’s physical health or mental fitness or perhaps it’s overall wellbeing. I don’t promise to have all the answers but I do have some good suggestions collected over many years that I want to share with you. Give some or all a try for at least a week and see how much better you feel.
Do some simple exercises before breakfast each day. This could be as simple as 5 pushups, 5 air squats and 5 forward bends or Yoga Child pose holds for 5 seconds each.
Take 10min walk after Lunch and dinner at least 5 days a week. Pay attention to your surroundings.
Do strength training exercise for 30 minutes 2 to 3 times a week on alternating days such as Mon-Wed-Friday. It doesn’t have to be anything close to your maximum potential. Just some light to medium weights will cause good metabolic changes in your body.
Get to sleep on time at least 6 days a week and rise up early to start the day. d
Make your Mission in Life clear written down. This is the WHY you do what you do each day. Read it every day.
Remember that discipline is not a 'punishment' or a bad word. Discipline is freedom from sickness and worry when you consistently practice good behaviour because you know it's good for you. Make discipline a part of your identity.
Indulge yourself once or twice a week with foods you like and taking a step back from work or chores. Make this the reward for being focused and productive the rest of the week. As long as you reserve a meal or a full day at maximum, your overall well being will not suffer.
So there you have it. You probably heard of some or all of these points before. Now is the time to act on the ones you haven’t been following. That’s how you Live Awesome!
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