What Mode Are You In?

By: Shazad

Quick! What are you doing right now and what ‘mode’ are you in? Could you answer this clearly and with just a few words? How about a single word? To answer this, let me define mode as the combination of thinking and behaving that you are engaged in. Another way to think of this is a pattern of behaviour or way of being.

So, what mode are you in?

To answer this, consider that we are always in some kind of mode at all times. We can be in multiple modes throughout the day whether we are working, playing, relaxing, or volunteering.  We are in a certain state of mind that can be identified.  Some of the many modes you could be are, the Caregiver, the Problem Solver, the Empathizer, the Thinker, the Marketer, the Preacher, and the Ruler.  If you examine your life and try to summarize most, if not all,  of your days, could you come up with just 3 modes that describe what you are doing at any given time?  I tried this and came up with Thinker, Teacher, Coach or TTC for short.  I believe I’m doing any one of these things whether I’m awake or asleep.  

Why bother doing this?

Knowing your own ‘operating mode’ helps you to align your actions, words, and thinking, as well as your schedule.  It creates clarity and gives you specific ways to look at a problem without necessarily having strict boundaries that hamper creativity.

A person who has too many modes often lacks focus and peace of mind. A person with too few modes may lack fulfillment and purpose in life.  Having just the right amount - about 3-5 modes as a maximum, means you will likely achieve all of your life goals in a meaningful way.
It’s ok to change modes as you change roles in life and generally get older.  Having more life experience, wisdom and self-awareness will definitely change how you think about life and what you consider important. Naturally, your modes will change through the refinement of ideas or completely changing your mind and having entirely new modes to be in.

So, give it some thought and be prepared to stop yourself at any point and ask, “What Mode am I in?”.

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