By: Ahsan
Many wise people have said that if you can focus your attention on something with proper concentration, you will achieve extraordinary results.
How good is your ability to focus?
All of us have had plenty of time to think about our lives and our goals more than usual as we try to stay safe in these uncertain times.
When things get back to normal, we will be able to really “go for it” and achieve our big important goals.
Or will we?
There will be those that do and those that don’t.
Increasingly, you will hear about people who wasted their lock-down time because they got caught up with too many distractions. They were unable to sit down and put their minds on a task or project for any length of time. As a result, their goals remained wishes and mere dreams.
In other words, they lacked FOCUS.
Many super successful people will tell you that they attribute their success to their ability to FOCUS.
If you think multitasking and checking emails and Instagram while you are supposed to be working on a project, working on your plan or even working out is harmless, you, my friend, should try staying focused.
Focus is perhaps the most critical ingredient for success, yet most folks are not aware of its power. People might think otherwise if they understood F.O.C.U.S.
Fanatic. Optimization. Creating. Unlimited. Success.
Here are three things that combine in making FOCUS your ally in achieving your big important goals BIGs and making you a legend!
The first is knowing your rocks in the jar. By now, you may have heard about how the teacher asked the students to fill a jar with rocks, then some pebbles after the rocks, then some sand after the pebbles, then some water after sand to prove that the jar was not full when the rocks were added. Using the visual demonstration, the teacher made the point that we need to fill our day with the big and important rocks and not the small pebbles or grains of sand if we want to get ahead in life.
So, know what rocks you need to fill in your jar of life and work on those a bit every day.
The second thing to do is refine your To-Do list. We all have a list, but it may be filled with fluff and nonsense that is not helping us achieve our larger goals in life. Make sure your To-Do list is at least 80% geared to things that are aligned with your BIGs. Otherwise, you will be dealing with the grains of sand and never get to the rocks.
The third thing to bring in focus is FOCUS.
When you have a To-Do list, you will naturally want to start knocking things off the list. When you do, you get a feeling of satisfaction and happiness (dopamine hits). However, if you start something on the list, you know, and I know that it is better to stay with the task/project and not let yourself get distracted. Stay focused so that you will get things done.
FOCUS will be the fuel that ignites the rocket into orbit. FOCUS will separate you from the masses of dreamers and talkers. FOCUS is the secret behind living life to the fullest with fanatical optimization creating unlimited success!
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