What Happens To Your Success Levels By Closing Your Eyes?

By Ahsan

We mention a precious story in our book Awesome Life. It is about a miner digging for gold who essentially gives up and sells his land to someone else. The new miner continues the search and finds the gold by digging a few feet more than the previous miner.

There are many versions of this story in various cultures around the world, and it teaches the lesson of not giving up on your dreams.

As we enter the first weeks of 2019, no doubt you are focussing on your 2019 goals and working on your plan. We are too. The recipe for success is always the same: Think, Do, Have. It is often in the “Do” phase that people get either frustrated or discouraged and then sell their land to another miner. Or abandon the land altogether!

What if you could increase your chances of success by adding one more step as you do the “think” part of the recipe?

Imagine in your mind’s eye the answer to the following three questions:

1.     What would you be doing if you had three times the confidence you have now?

2.     What would it be like if you had three times the courage, you have now?

3.     What would it be like if you had three times the inner joy about who you are becoming?

 Close your eyes and imagine. What steps and actions will you be willing to take? What obstacles will you be willing to endure?

What would you Do and what would you Have?

If you have unstoppable confidence in your abilities combined with the attribute of being fearless and felt joyful, what potential will you realize?

Best of luck to you in 2019.

Don’t be the miner that is 3 feet from the mother lode.