By Shazad
Whether you are in a personal relationship with your spouse, friend and family or you are in a business partnership, you will run into a few common issues. it’s important to know where the problems will be and what you can do about them. These challenges come up even if you started off great with all the best intentions so it’s important to pay attention to strengthen or rebuild your relationships when they are starting to decline.
The first challenge in all relationships is MONEY. Not having enough income or not handling it well because of too many expenses. A lot of arguments and stress will happen because of money so be aware of it and make sure you have the right discussions frequently about how to make and spend income in a way that you both can live with.
The second challenge that will come up is TIME. Just like money, you may not have enough of it or are handling it poorly so get together and decide what is the right amount of time to spend on the relationship and adjust as needed. Money problems often lead to Time problems because you are trying to solve for lack of income in many cases, by spending more time away from the people you care about.
The third and very interconnected issue is HEALTH. Experiencing frequent Money and/or Time problems will lead to health issues and keep going around in a vicious circle that will continue to cause relationship pain. Make sure you are spending enough time and money to maintain health so you can effectively earn income and spend quality time with the people you need to otherwise your health will continue to decline with your relationships.
The fourth and very important issue for healthy relationships is REST & Relaxation. To achieve good lasting health, frequent rest periods are needed. Rest is also motivation for making more income and is what the free time we are seeking is for. Not having enough time each week, month and each quarter for some fun with your friends, family and business partners will result in lack of enough connection. That hurts relationships or causes them to just stall instead of improving over time. You need to schedule some Rest time and take your relationships to a higher level.
Pay attention to MTHR and see all your relationships improve.