By Ahsan
“We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.” Winston Churchill
There was this farmer who always won the best corn prize in his county fair year after year. What was his secret? He did something that surprised the reporter of the local TV station who asked this very question.
The farmer replied he gave all his neighbours his foundation seeds to also have good corn crops that were robust and tasty. The reporter, a little surprised, asked, why would you do that? Why would the farmer be giving his best seeds to his competition?
The farmer said that might be, but it works best in all our interests because the wind blows the pollen from the corn across farms. The cross-pollination of good seeds affects all farmers in a beneficial way. The better one farmer’s corn is, the better all of the corn becomes. In other words, the farmer understood that if he is to do well, he must help his neighbours to do well also.
This story reminds me of this verse in the Holy Quran about corn:
The similitude of those who spend their wealth for the cause of Allah is like the similitude of a grain of corn which grows seven ears, in each ear a hundred grains. And Allah multiplies it further for whomsoever He pleases; and Allah is Bountiful, All-Knowing. ⎯The Holy Quran, Chapter 2 verse 262
The wealth we have to share is not just money. It can be many things including our time, our experience, and our advice. The rewards that we get could be in the future or even in the present through a life well-lived and a feeling of personal contentment. This is the ‘wealth’ that keeps growing in your life like a healthy cornfield.
So here is the takeaway.
This lesson of life illustrated by the corn farmer allows us to really live before we die through generosity of spirit and attitude.
The essence of a life well-lived is to have helped others around us, whether by a smile, spending time to give them company or encouragement, spending in the way of the less fortunate, building relationships, or just building people. The possibilities are infinite!
The clock of life is ticking by for all of us. The final moment is never known. This is why we need to live before we die. It’s natural to think about life after death but what about life before death?
How might you define it for yourself?
Take some time out today to answer that fundamental question and make your remaining days really matter!
Action Steps:
On a piece of paper, write the question down. What matters most to me for my life to be lived before I die?
Then, do some brainstorming and write down any answers that pop into your mind under that heading. Look at that list and see what you feel inspired to focus on.
Edit your list to make a final list full of the most inspiring ideas you will try to live out!
Just like an ear of corn contains within it a field of corn, you too are filled with an ability to multiply the good in your life and the lives of many others. This just might be the secret of a good life before you die. What say you?
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