By Shazad
“We don't rise to the level of our expectations, we fall to the level of our training.”
Thankfully, most of us are not involved in actual military conflicts or physical battles during the week. Hopefully, we can avoid this for the rest of our lives as well. So why talk about being a “Warrior”? There is a benefit from learning what the Warrior traditions have to teach us and how to apply those things to our everyday lives. The alternative is to spend your life as a “Worrier” fearing everything and everyone because you don’t know how to handle situations. Let me share.3 simple ways you can “WIN the “battles” of everyday life and become a Warrior.
First, have a very compelling reason to live your life and spend your energy the way you do each day. Make every day a disciplined day of purpose and action that is fulfilling your mission in life. This will prevent you from just trying to ‘get through’ the day or ‘surviving’ another workday, etc. Make the days count and they will be more enjoyable.
Second, prepare for and expect difficulty, challenges, obstacles, and even temporary failures. Rehearse some common or expected challenges in your mind and how you can manage the situation if they occur. This inoculates you to some of the shock and sadness when you actually face this setback. It also prepares you to respond and recover more quickly.
Third, develop your confidence by getting things done early in the day and challenging yourself over time. When you complete simpler tasks early and work to achieve harder tasks over time, you feel better about yourself and can be proud of yourself. Having constantly challenging projects to work on and learn from prevents you from becoming too comfortable with your current abilities and helps you stretch so you are always improving even if it is just 1% each week. You need to be challenged regularly so you know how strong and capable you really are.
Many people want to just enjoy a comfortable life without worrying about the future or doing hard things. They think everything will be ‘fine’ if they don’t think about what could go wrong and plan for it. Such people are usually the first to be shocked and often lose hope in themselves as well as the world when something does take an unexpected turn. Your physical, mental and emotional well-being depends on you developing your inner WARRIOR so you are alert, prepared and constantly improving your skills.
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