By Shazad
It’s nearly September and for many students, that means school is starting up again after the summer break. You should always be prepared to return to the School of Awesome whether you are currently in school or have long since graduated from an advanced degree, or somewhere in between. You have probably taken some time off to enjoy summer activities and free time. Now it’s time to return to your education/training for the rest of your life.
I personally like and endorse the idea of Lifelong Learning which means that School is never ‘over’ for me. I’m always learning formally through courses and on the job training or, on my own through personal study and tinkering with some technology. I find this keeps me sharp and curious as well as happy.
People need to keep exploring and wondering about the world around them and the overall universe to make sense of things in their own lives. By constantly learning, thinking and playing with ideas in your own head, you can ensure that you are always staying fresh and current in your life.
Get your pencils sharpened and your notebooks organized to start taking classes again. The School of Awesome is always open and waiting for you!
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