By Shazad
“No man is more unhappy than he who never faces adversity.
For he is not permitted to prove himself. “
It seems like we are facing one trial after another. One crisis is resolved, and another looms on the horizon. We overcome one obstacle only to find another blocking our way. When will it end? Why is it so difficult? Perhaps that’s not the right question, and we could pose better ones instead.
I was like most people whenever I faced challenges and the last 5 years have taught me a lot about reframing and changing perspective. I stopped asking things like, “Why Me”? I now ask better questions like “What does this mean”? Another perspective-shaping question is, “What am I supposed to learn from this”?
By asking better questions that I can wrestle with and work through, I find my way forward. I emerge from the malaise and pressure into a new realm of possibility. I learn to use my current situation for more than mere survival. I strive to let the weight of the moment inspire me to showcase my strength, patience, and resilience like never before. Through various trials, I’ve realized that I can overcome challenges and become better, regardless of the circumstances. Perhaps it’s because of those problems and crises that I was able to level up and grow as a human being. Maybe I was tested intentionally to reveal a better version of myself that could not have emerged without confronting those difficulties head-on.
I know what some of you are thinking. That’s just a Jedi mind trick you are playing on yourself to cope. Perhaps. It’s also a useful exercise to deal with the reality of each pivotal moment in life. To quiet the drama and noise and focus on problem-solving instead of wallowing in pity or being depressed all the time. Maybe a Jedi Mind Trick is exactly what I need and maybe you do as well!
With everything going on and no shortages of future crises or problems coming our way, how are you going to cope and come out a better person? Will you go with the flow or will you hold your ground like the mighty rocks on the shoreline and try to endure the crashing of the waves? You can be washed away with the tide or wait out the storm with stoic resolve, discipline, and courage.
You and I have to decide today what our strategy is for this moment in time and then the next one. There’s no time to figure it out when we are in the heat of battle with the circumstances. We have to learn from the past and our own mistakes to make things better for the next TEST life throws at us. Are you prepared?
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