By Ahsan
“Frame your thoughts like this— you are an old person, you won’t let yourself be enslaved by this any longer, no longer pulled like a puppet by every impulse, and you’ll stop complaining about your present fortune or dreading the future.”
Marcus Aurelius
Everyone knows the childhood story of Pinocchio! It is a story about the little boy, his father, the shoemaker, and the cricket. And when Pinocchio lied, he could not hide it because his nose would grow longer!
The lesson of the story was not to lie. Right?
I would say that is one of the lessons, but the real lesson is much more important, and many people will understand it as adults even though they missed it when they were kids.
Recall for a moment that the shoemaker, Geppetto wanted to have a son. So he took a block of wood and carved from it a boy puppet. The puppet was a marionette, the kind of puppet that moves with the strings that the puppet master moves. All the puppet master does is jerk the string, and the puppet responds on command. The puppet has no choice but to do the master's bidding.
But as stories go, something miraculous happens, and one day, the puppet becomes a real boy!
When Pinocchio becomes a real boy, he no longer has strings. He is free to do what he wants.
He is free, he has the ability to be who he wants to be, and he has his own mind, consciousness, and thoughts.
From there, the young boy gets into many interesting situations and adventures.
So, how does all this relate to you as a grown person who may have missed Pinocchio's profound meaning and lesson as a kid?
Please give it a think. What is it?
Well, I'll tell you, won't I? Come closer.
The subtext of the original story was that Pinocchio wanted to break away from the strings
and become a real boy.
Pinocchio's various adventures or misadventures show him going right through and back from what would appear to be Hell and experiencing a metamorphosis in the process. A rebirth. A classic old you vs. the new and wiser you transformation after being led by the strings that control you.
This is what life entails. At some point, you realize you can be so much more, but some strings control you.
Those strings are the beliefs, habits, and thinking you have picked up along the adventure of life that does not help you live the best life. You and I must cut those strings and emerge as the person we can and should be.
Be Free of strings!
So, The Adventures of Pinocchio is a story much deeper than "Don't lie," "Pay attention to your moral compass," and "Do the right thing." It's about a hero who experiences symbolic death and rebirth through life's lessons and ultimately changes.
We all have strings that need to be cut to move how we want to. Cut those strings!
Cut, snip, release and grow.
All of us have some strings.
The main string is thinking. Our thoughts determine how we live and experience life. We live life from moment to moment from personal thinking. The content of the thinking matters, but what matters most is knowing that we are thinking into what we experience and call that our life.
Your true emotions, feelings and experience of life is all coming from your internal thinking; not from external situations and the people around you, although that’s what you think is the true cause.
When you begin to understand that you have strings and live reactively to thoughts, you can catch yourself doing the thinking and choose to cut it out.
Cut it out! Snip.
Be the real boy or girl you want to be.
Just like the baby elephant, which is held by a string or rope that he can easily walk away from, we, too, have strings attached to us from childhood that fasten us to the ground with iron chains.
But the chain is just a rope that can be cut with the knife of awareness and new and fresh thinking.
We might like to break away from the strings and beliefs jerking us around.
You have the ability to live in well-being. There is nothing wrong with you. All you need to do is realize what was discussed above.
If there is one thing I am excited about in my life, it's helping people actualize their potential to live more joyful and meaningful lives. Learning this was very helpful to me.
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